Thursday 30 June 2011

Pigeon costs.

As promised, I show my tomatoes in the greenhouse. They are not as good as in previous years but to be candid, I do think I will eventually have more that enough.

The petunia flowers are for Micky. I have several different colours and although a lot of them are small, they are growing and with the recent rain, things are looking reasonable. Today as yesterday we have had several heavy showers. This has helped my wallflowers. To be honest, I set the seeds I saved too early and a few days ago I noticed that some were in bud so I decided to move them from their bed and put them in their final position. I have, by the way, set the last few seed about a week ago and they are showing. So if all goes well, I will have some late wallflowers to plant out.

Now to the title. I picked a few cherries yesterday and gave some to both neighbours. I went round to the neighbour who supplies eggs. She took me to see her garden. It really looks a treat. Everything is looking well although things are set too close together. She has realised this and will not make the same mistake again. I then told her that a blackbird was impersonating her partners' call to get the pigeons in. With that he appeared, he told me that when he lived in Louth, blackbirds did the same. I then asked if there had been racing lately. He told me that last week was a disaster. I think he said they sent 25 birds. Only 9 returned within the next 2 days, He told me that there had been a few more birds arrive but as of now they are 9 birds short. He then told me he had to pay for 1 bird that had strayed to Scotland. It was sent, I think he said by post and the cost was £45. I just said there was no comparison to the 2/6d or half a crown if you wish. I think he was disappointed. Anyway, they are not sending anymore birds until this years birds start to race. Of course they will not be flying so far so costs will be a lot less. The first race is not until the end of July. I think that deep down they are pleased.

By the way, my friend is coming tomorrow, had he not been, I would have had enough runner beans for me to have a taste. Typical, I was only thinking earlier tonight. A couple of weeks ago I had to buy vegetables. Now I have readily available, peas, french beans, runner beans, carrots, cauliflower and in a couple of days marrow. A week or so later I guess there will also be cabbage. Mind you I am not complaining. Cherries are ripening rather slowly and are not as plentiful as in previous years. Finally my first tomatoes are just beginning to ripen. I think they will be ready within the week. More soon.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

What a difference

These photos are of the polytunnel. Taken about 3 days ago, since taking these photos, I have cut the cauliflower. The french beans are also coming on nicely. The other photo shows a few beetroot and a few of the cabbages that my postman friend gave me.

I seem to have lost the other photo of my tomatoes in the greenhouse, I will re post it tomorrow. As you can see, my grapes are coming along nicely.

Today has been totally different. What a difference a day makes!. This morning it was still a little sultry, at about 8.00am we had rain and thunder, this only lasted for about 30 minutes
and after the thunder and rain it seemed to cool down. It was dull and dark, I went to see if I could pick a few cherries but the rain meant that I would get wet, so I decided to leave them on for another day. I wish to give my neighbour some cherries.

I went for my Pension and bought a few things, had my dinner and soon after we had another shower. I decided to transplant the wallflowers that I had set in May time. They were beginning to bud, anyway I though as it was dull and damp, it would be ideal to plant them out. 18 of them in all. By the way, a few days ago I did set the final few seed I had saved. As it happened. I had only just watered them in when there was again a little thunder and then the heavens opened up. We had about 30 minutes of heavy rain, well that certainly will have helped them to get settled in. Let us hope that all will survive.

By the way, the only runner beanlet that was not damaged by the hailstorm has had to be picked, it was ready. about a foot long. With a bit of luck, in about 4 days I should have my first meal of runner beans this season. I also have a small marrow, perhaps I will take a photo of that tomorrow and post that with a shot of my below par tomatoes. More soon.

Monday 27 June 2011

Food at last

The peas and broad beans are well on their way. As you can see the peas are plentiful. I have had other peas too so have dome well with them. I hope to take a few more photos another day.

These are two cherry trees. Both are now just about ready although I did have loads drop off with the dry spring. I guess though, this will mean that neighbours and friends will lose out. I have had a taste already. The trouble is that after the drought, the recent rains have caused to cherries to split. Not all of them but certainly enough.

Yesterday was a hot day, today has been a lot worse. I guess my American friend would say that it was typical weather for him. It has been so humid and the local weather man has just informed us that in our region it has been the hottest day since 2008. Around 31f. Far too hot for me. I am feeling uncomfortable so will finish for now. More soon.

Friday 24 June 2011


Wow, this seems to have worked. Thanks to Ed and my looking at the problems I hope that all will be well. At least I can publish as before so I am sure all is working normally.

A real quickie

I am writing this with my fingers crossed. As those who read my blog will know that for some time I have had difficulty using my blog.
I went to the comments helpline and a couple of bloggers had the same difficulty as me, in fact the odd one had more. One solution was suggested that the cause was with the installation of the latest Explorer 9. edition. I mentioned this to my American friend who is very clever. He told me what to do and after some spelling errors I have managed to uninstal explorer 9 and once again explorer 8 is now once again in use.
Have taken some photos so early next week I hope to post a few. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this has cured the problem. More soon.

Thursday 23 June 2011


I was watching a cycle race on Sky. T.V and the commentator stated that one of the competitors had got a puncture.
It reminded me of my youth, well infancy really. I guess I was about 6 when the girl next door had a bike and I used to have a go on it. I can remember though it had solid tyres. Yes that is true, I learned to ride a bike on solid tyres.
The next thing was the radio reporting about 11+. The announcer said, I think something about year 7. All I can remember about school was that we went to an infants school until we were the age of 9. Then we went to a junoirs school . This was about 2 miles away. Of course we had to walk about 2 miles. Remember that this was in 1946 when I went to juniors school. We had the dreadful winter of 1947 to follow, although I can't rememder too much about the bad weather. What I can remember though in March or April that winter, the council workmen ahd pick axes and shovels. They were trying to break up the ice which looke about 3" deep on the A.1 which we had to cross every day. Mind you, there was not much traffic in those days. Changes were made in 1948, this was a change to schools. Until then there was only the Grammar School or ordinary Schools. All Schools were at that time segregated. After infants, it was either boys or girls. In 1948 there was a Central School introduced, that was for pupils who were not quite up to Grammar School standard. They were of course segregated, but what they decided to do was that the Juniors School ended at 13 and as the school leaving age had increased to 15 a new Comprehensive chool was formed. It was for those Boys and Girls who had achieved nothing academically. This was integrated so that boys and girls were in the same class.
We had delivery of milk by horse and cart until around 1946. meat also came in by pony and trap. Funnily enough though, the bread was always delivered by van.
We used to watch the Co-Op milk man with his horse. Each property had a privet hedge and the horse used to go to the same hedge each day. It had a bit fitted but it still managed to get taste.
Were they the good old days? I guess not really, though there seemed to be more co-operation between families in those days. Mind you most of us had got nothing, but to be honest we all seemed contented with life. Everything was accepted as it was.
Will try to take a few photos soon of the produce in my garden. More soon

Tuesday 21 June 2011

As Expected

Well, today I went to Hospital and saw the Consultant's assistant. As usual, all he was interested in was himself. He told me that he would be 65 in Serptember so he was retiring. His wife had told him that they both should take up golf so he spent the next 10 minutes telling me what he had got and where he had been.
It must have been after 20 minutes that I asked him about my blood test results. He just told me that they were O.K. Back it was about him. Another 10 minutes went by and I asked him more questions about my results. I guess this time he realised that I wanted to know a little about my results. He then went through them with me. Time went on. I think a normal consultancy is about 10 minutes and I think 15 minutes between each appointment. Well after about 40 minutes I suggested that I must be going as the next patient would be waiting. He told me that I was the last one he had to see.
I had phoned up my Italian friend and told him I would be at his home but not before 11.00am. The time was approaching 11.25am. I told him that I really must be going. I wished him a long ad happy retirement and told him I may see him next in 6 months.
When I arrived at my friends house, it was approaching 11.45am. Both he and his wife thought I was not going to call on them. I told them that time meant nothing once one was in the Hospital Outpatients department.
He showed me round his garden, like all of us his has suffered by the lack of rain. His greenhouse products though looked good. His tomatoes looked far better than mine, his grapes were more plentiful but to be honest, I did not think they were quite as good as mine. His cucumbers looked great. He had a few cucumbers on that were almost ready to be picked. Mine at home here that he gave me looks great but there are only just a few baby cucumbers just forming. My runner beans are far better than his as are my french beans. He has some great potatoes and garlic. Something that I do not like. I took him a few fuchsia cuttings and he gave me a plant, he doesn't know what it is called but told me it is an annual and flowers for about a month. He just left it in the greenhouse after it had flowered and died. To his surprise, it had set seeds and so I will see just what happens. I have split it up as there were 3 plantlets. If they turn out alright then I will take some photos.
Finally, just been on the phone and my mate has given me the latest on his survey regarding solar panels. Sounds good, on Thursday he has another guy coming to give a survey. I will keep all informed. More soon.

Monday 20 June 2011


On Friday morning I had to go to the Diabetic Clinic.
What a performance!! To start with I went to book in and was told that I would be seen to as soon as possible. I guessed by that, we were running late.
Eventually my name was called out and a Nurse that I know well. Let's face it, I know most of them well anyway. This Nurse immediately told me that she was helping out as one of the main Nurse was off ill. Well she really didn't know exactly the procedure but managed to work her way round problems. Firstly she took my B.P. This was to be expected as when I went to have my blood tested, the Nurse who I was expecting to see put me on a different type of medication.
Well, she immediately told me that it was a little high. I immediately told her that it had come down by several percentage points and I was pleased as I had only been on this new medication for a week or so. She accepted the explanation then started to ask questions. to me irrelevant questions. "Do you suffer from depression". I thought what has that to do with diabetes. Mind you, she did ask if I had a healthy diet. I just looked at her. To be honest, would anyone tell if they had not a healthy diet?. I told her that as I had another chronic illness that my Hospital consultant told me to eat completely different things that diabetic people eat, it was hard to please all camps. I then went on to explain that my consultant did not wish me to have porridge. diabetic clinics insist that porridge is an excellent breakfast food. My consultant did not wish me to eat many fresh fruits. With diabetes, they love you to eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. She told me she understood. Told me to take my shoes and socks off then gave me the foot test. That is to see if you have any feelings in your toes. That seemed to be O.K. When she tried to find a pulse in my feet, she failed completely. Told me that I would have to go to another clinic several miles away for a more thorough test. She told me that it was either something serious or old age and poverty. I told her the latter would be more likely.
Finally she asked me if I had bought in a urine test. I looked at her and told her I had never been asked to bring one in. She gave me a bottle, told me to send it in. I will probably do this on Wednesday as tomorrow morning I am at the Hospital.
She then told me to go out and wait for my name to be called. This was not too long and I did see a Nurse Practitioner. She was very good and efficient. Gave me all the results of my blood tests and then told me that she was prepared to withdraw one medication as it was only beneficial if one has had a heart attack. So now I am only on 6 different medications instead of 7. Great.
Am I depressed? I told her that I was sick and tired of going to the surgery for appointments, the clinic, the Hospital and the dentist. It seems as if I am hardly ever away from these places for long. Such is life. Mind you, the good news is that for the first time in months, my water butts are full. Things are gradually beginning to grow. I am now picking my own vegetables so will not have to spend money for quite some time on vegetables. more soon.

Friday 17 June 2011

Best Pal called

yesterday my best pal called. He now has a touring caravan which he has sited on a small Caravan Site. It is really for owners only and they are not allowed to let them out. This doesn't bother him and his wife at all. He told me that he will probably leave it there all winter as they only charge £80 for storage. Reasonable I thought.
Well I asked him if he got the hail on Friday. He laughed and told me the noise was terrific and the ground was covered. To be honest, I didn't notice too much, it must have been true because I saw my postman friend and he told me that when he left to go back it was white all over. When he got to his home, about 4 miles away, it was just starting to hail. He told me the guttering's were
unable to take the hail. He told me though that his Mother who only lives about a mile away from him, didn't get so much as we had.
I didn't notice all the damage until late yesterday. A lot of my gooseberries were damaged and have started to rot. I will have quite a few on but it is still disappointing. lots of cherries, well those that survived the drought, were affected but I should have a taste of them.
I went to the clinic today for a diabetic check. Must have to go somewhere else, the Nurse who did my checks could not find a pulse on my feet. She told me that either there was something seriously wrong or that it was poverty and old age I had. I told her it was the latter. Mind you I said had it been no pulse to my head I would have understood it as I feel brain dead sometimes.
Anyway I was then told that a Nurse Practitioner would see me, after a few minutes in the waiting room I was summoned to see her. She is very nice and told me that all seemed to be going according to plan. We then started to talk about the gardens. She told me that her runner beans were awful this year. Thank goodness for that I told her, mine were the same and my Brother-in -Law told me that his were poor too. I guess that it is the lack of rain that has caused the problem. Mind you, I once again have about a score of runner beans set. Let us hope we do not get another hail storm to knock them off.
I have managed, today to have a first taste of french beans out of my polytunnel. Yesterday I had a few carrots, but to be honest, they were a little too small. Still the season is beginning to get started, the cabbages that the postman gave me are progressing well and within 2 weeks will definitely be ready. As always, I guess that they will all be ready at the same time. Still it will be nice to have fresh cabbage.
Finally, I rung my mate in Skegness, he told me that next Tuesday he will have someone call to see him about having Solar Panels on his bungalow. It was funny because while he was here the other day my best pal called. His Son has had solar panels fitted to his home and is getting a good return on his investment. I told him in front of my mate that if my home faced south and had a clear view, I would have it fitted at my time of life. Will keep you informed as to how he goes on.
I know that in April next year, the Government are going to reduce the price per unit they are paying at the moment. Mind you, the price at the moment will not be affected. It stays the same but with inflation built in. I will know more when he comes to see me. More soon.

Wednesday 15 June 2011


Today, I had a visitor. It was my Sister and her husband.
She had rung me up early in the morning asking if I would be in. I told her I would.
Well the time went by and just before noon they arrived. Considering she had told me that she would arrive in the morning. I had just about given up the hope of them arriving.
Well, they were walking. I immediately asked if their car had broken down. To my surprise, they informed me that they had travelled from Skegness by bus. A journey of about 14 miles. It took about an hour. It transpired that they had paid for a car space at the Hotel they were staying but as the parking was limited, the cars were parked so that if they went out, they had to leave the keys at reception as cars most cars had to be moved. Their car was one so they decided to travel by bus.
The trip was not good, as well as taking an age, they were dropped off about 1/2 mile from my place, anyway they didn't stay long as the bus left at a quarter to the hour. I told them that I was going to take them back to the bus stop by car. I just thought it was not good for a Hotel to charge for parking when space was that limited.
To be honest, all they had time for was a quick drink and to visit the toilet.
A couple of days ago, my neighbour, the one who has chickens came round and asked me if I would go round and tell her what was eating her broccoli. I told her that I would willingly go round with her but almost certainly it would be pigeons.
True enough, pigeons were the culprits. Although she had covered them she had not covered them sufficient. She had, however protected the hearts. I told her that although the outer leaves had been eaten, the hearts were not damaged so that they should be O.K.
I asked how they had got on over the week end with the pigeon racing. Not so good was the reply. 8 pigeons had failed to return. I then told her that as youngsters we had kept pigeons and occasionally there would be a "strag" a pigeon that landed in your loft. A racing pigeon, most had stamped on their wing an address where to write to. Well as youngsters we used to write off and if the owner decided he wanted to pigeon back, we would pack it in a box, post it by Royal Mail and get in return a Postal Order for the princely sum of 2/6d half a crown. In today's money 12.5p. Her partner then told me that now the cost was £30. How times have changed. More soon.

Monday 13 June 2011


I must correct myself.
Margarine is not banned, but mind you, try to find some, it is not easy at all.
Now to the aftermath of the hailstorm. I went out and checked my garden on Saturday morning. To my disappointment, I saw that my runner beans had suffered but most disappointing was the apples. Most of them have been badly bruised. I will have to see if they will recover.
I rung my Pal who lives about 12 miles away. He told me they didn't get the hail. He did tell me that yesterday it rained most of the afternoon and into the evening. Yes, it did here too. I managed to get my water butts of normal size full, my butts thgat are fitted at the greenhouse are nearly full. I have 2 and each holds 300 litres. My large water butt which holds about 1400 litres is almost 3/4 full so for now I am happy.
The rain went into the ground sufficiently for me to plant out some auriculas which I have been waiting for some wet weather, for about 3 months. They should be O.K.
By the way, yesterday was a very cold day, my central heating was on which is most unusal for the middle of June.
Have started to pick the first of my garden peas in the garden, also I will hopefully have a few broad beans ready within the next couple of days. More soon.

Friday 10 June 2011

busy day.

Yesterday I had a busy day, not with work, I have finished hard work, but with 2 friends.
First my mate came and the first job was to cover my cherry tree up with netting. I was very pleased as I did not think I had quite enough to completely cover the area completely but my friend made an excellent job of it, me being a labourer only.
the next job was to remove an old water butt and replace it with a more modern one. He had to make some adjustments to the down pipe but he did that well.
We had lunch and I had a phone call from my best pal saying that if it was convenient, he would be round about 2.00pm. I of course told him no problem.
I nearly forgot but my weather station was not recording the outside temperature. Batteries getting low. Well he put the replacement batteries in, took the ones in the main base then everything went blank. He messed about with it for 30 minutes or so, my best pal called, we had a good old chat for 10 minutes then I told him to take the weather station home to see what he could do. it was late when my friend left so I didn't get online at all.
Well, today we had rain. Not rain really, it was hail. It did damage to my young runner beans, I had hoped that I would have a feed in about 3 weeks but the hailstones knocked nearly all of the small beanlets off the plant, it also snapped a few off. All I had left was 2 very ting runner beans about 1cm long. Mind you with it being hail. the roofs did not manage to catch much water as the hailstones just hit the roof and fell onto the ground. It does talk of the weather being unsettled for the next few days. We will see.
As you will see by the photos, the hail was heavy and it lasted for about 10 minutes. Sorry about the quality of the photos but I took them in a rush. To be candid, if I had took my time, I don't suppose they would have been any better. More soon.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Latest Photos

I thought it about time to show the latest photo of my grape vine. To me they look fairly good so here's hoping.
The Rose Arch is new, the old one disintegrated. This is just a cheap one but before my friend could assemble and put it in place I had to dismantle most of the rambling rose, cutting and losing quite an amount. However I am pleased as to how it is looking all I hope is that the cutting which I took last year and set it on the opposite side so as eventually have a complete arch. I hope that this Autumn will be wet so that it will grow.

These are my self saved seeds from two dark blue petunia plants. I expected them to all be the same dark blue colour but as you can see, this is not so. There is also another flower which has passed it's best. A red with white edges. I hope that there will be more different flowers later in the summer as it is a little early. To be honest I am thrilled that they have grown and that I have a few different colours.
Thought we was going to have some rain today as it came over a little dark, no such luck though.
I am getting a little concerned though as I have a limited amount of water in my butts. Still there are some broad beans coming on nicely and my runner beans are well. I put my bath water on them so hopefully I will have a feed before the end of June.
With the spring being early, I am picking a few raspberries. As I have just finished my last Bramley apple from last year I bought some so I have stewed an apple and then have raspberries with stewed apple. Very nice. I grow very few strawberries as they do not suit me now. I am saving them in the freezer and when I have sufficient will make a jar of jam. Cherries are suffering from the lack of rain, most of them have withered and dropped off. My plum though, which has been in the ground for about 10 years seems to be well laden. Yes I will lose quite a few but it looks as if I will get plenty. More soon.

Tuesday 7 June 2011


I must publish this photo of a rose. I have no idea as to the variety. The original rose was my Mothers and she took it to several places when she moved house. I can remember it being in the home at Grantham before I left to go into business and that was in the 60s. I will try to take another photo later so that the netting is not visible. By the way, it has a wonderful scent but is dreadfully thorny.
Well, this morning I went to get my State Pension, then went to get some vegetables and a little fruit. My friend is coming on Thursday so a cauliflower is amongst the veg.
I then went to my local surgery, primarily for my blood test but also for a blood pressure check as I was sure it was high.
When I looked at my repeat prescriptions, I noticed that once again one of my medications, which incidentally is very toxic, hence my regular blood tests. Well once again it stated. This medication cannot be patient initiated. As I was about 15 minutes early, I decided to go to the dispensary and ask to see what was going on. To my surprise I was told that they would alter it on the computer. This they did and then asked me if I wished to have the other prescriptions ordered. I said I would. I then informed them that it was a pity they did not deliver. She told me that they were working on it.
I then booked in and sat down, still 10 minutes early for my blood test. I hadn't been sat down a minute when Sally called me in.
I asked her first to check my B.P as I was sure it would be high. As expected it was very high, she told me that she would get me to see someone after she had finished with me.
well whist she was taking blood, I asked her how the tomato plants were going on. She then told me what had happened. I had left the plants in reception with a reliable lady to give to Sally. While the lady was out, a Doctor saw them asked the relief who owned them, had the response of "I don't know". So she took them herself. Poor Sally was distraught. I told her it would never happen again.
Anyway we had a chat about other things and whist we were talking I was told to go and have a discussion regarding my medication regarding my blood pressure.
After a lengthy discussion which a different brand of tablets were issued, I was asked if I would like to have my annual Diabetes check date. I said I would as I knew it was now going to be moved to an annual review and inspection around one's birthday. She then told me that as I had ordered the old tablets, she would fax the new prescription through so that I should receive them all as normal.
I could not believe just how well things had gone this day. usually something goes wrong but everything went smoothly.
Tomorrow, I hope to post one or two petunia photos. To be honest, I did not know if I could post photos as the blog is still not good. To be honest, I wonder if it will ever be fixed. More soon.

Monday 6 June 2011

Something and nothing

I think I have mentioned it before but I listen in the morning from 8.00am to 9.00am Radio 4 extra formerly Radio 7. this is on digital only.
Well the other day one of the comics mentioned bread and marg. I had to laugh as it is well known, now it is a banned substance.
I started my catering in 1969 and almost every catering establishment used margarine as butter to spread on the bread. those days there was no such thing as trade descriptions. I don't know whether any who read this will remember the slogan."You can't tell Stork from butter". Well Stork was the most expensive brand of margarine, still about 1/2 the price of butter though. the most common margarine used in cafes and restaurants was Kraft catering margarine sold in a 4lb tub I think. It was quite a bit cheaper than Stork and passable as a spread on bread. Most used the cheapest brand which was Echo for making cakes.
While I was thing about this, it bought to mind that Fine Fare was just around the corner from me and the bread delivery man was Sunblest. I think it was something to do with fine Fare because he told me when he first canvassed the area he would not call on anyone else in the town except Fine Fare and a little corner shop about 2 miles away. Well I seemed to get on well with the staff at Fine Fare, one lady would boil the scrimps which the bacon arrived in and would send them round for me to use as dishcloths. Good they were too.
As time went on, trade descriptions came into force, well the Manager of Fine Fare would send one of his staff round and ask me if I waned a case of butter. This would be on offer, as those of you who remember, there was often a brand sold as a lost leader to get the shoppers in to the supermarket. The savings would be very good. I am almost certain they were sold in 24x1/2lb lots. So 12lb in all. This went on until the shop closed in about 1975ish. There was another big bonus for me. Sunblest started to sell bread named. Happy Monday, Tuesday etc and Happy week end. Well the breadman who was called Albert would call on me on a Tuesday and ask me if I wanted yesterdays bread at 1/2 price. To be honest the bread was baked in Waltham I think. It was beautiful and very fresh bread, so naturally I would take the bread off his hands and still get the discount at the end of the week. Mind you, this episode of calling the bread like that didn't last too long because the customers would know that the bread was a day old. They didn't know that I was selling it though. Still it was good fresh bread.
I can always remember my Mother buttering bread before the staff arrived. She would make a 1/2lb of butter do 3 loaves of bread. Once she had done 9 loaves she would say she had done enough. As you would expect, the staff were not so efficient when they came to spread the butter.
Finally talking about banned substances, my neighbour told me he was going to creosote his fence. I asked if he meant a substitute, he grinned and confirmed as much. He then started to peel off a few more things that had been banned by the EEC. Gentian Violet and Iodine were just 2 of the items. I told him that when we were out in Hong Kong in the 50s. Gentian Violet was used to clear up a rash called Tina. I then told him the worst thing for me was the banning of Sodium Chlorate as I used to spray my driveway once a year and it kept 90% of the weeds at bay.
Now I use glyphosate which neutralises upon touching the soil but does kill anything it has contact with. But it does not kill the seeds which are ready to germinate.
google have still not sorted out the problems yet regarding my blog and I presume other blogs too. Still we live in hope. More hopefully soon.

Thursday 2 June 2011

yes trouble

As expected, I have had and still have trouble with my blog, I don't know what has caused this but it is disappointing. Still I will try to carry on as normal. I apologise for any inconvenience caused to any reader.
I don't know if I told this before, but a couple of years ago my brother in law gave me some petunias. Well as I often do, I saved some seeds but last year all I managed to get was 3 plants. All of the same colour a rich blue. I once again saved some seeds and this year I had more success. To be honest I think I had about 24 plants. I expected them all to be blue but the bees have done their work. I was telling my neighbour that the first one was a large carmine red. He told me that it was their original colour so I expected them all to be the same carmine colour. Now I have 4 flowering. The carmine and another the same colour. I have a carmine with white edges and a pale pink turning to white at the edges. I will be interested to see if I have any other varieties in colour.
I think that this blog will be the same as the last few blogs. I have to save post, then send it to edit. I can then post it. The trouble is that I know nothing about the computers. I tried to see if I could get my computer to check the programme but don't know how. So what I have done is to have a quick scan to see if it picks up anything.
Today has been a nice warm day. I rung my friend last night to see if he had been into town. He told me that there seemed to be quite a few down over the week-end. Whether they were spending he didn't know. He went to a Car Boot sale and said that most were just looking.
Scan has been completed, nothing was found so I will try to post this post. Let's hope all is well, I doubt it though. More soon.

Wednesday 1 June 2011


I hope that those who read my blog are not having trouble. A blogging friend has informed me that he has had trouble with my blog. I too have had trouble. especially when it come to posting my blog. Let us hope that all is well tonight. I will keep this very short.
Anyway I went to Grantham to fetch my spectacles, they were very nice as always there. They couldn't have been more helpful. the final words from the assistant was for me to take care and if anything was not to my satisfaction I was to either come back or go to any of the Spec Savers Branches. I just told her that it was a pity that every business was not like them.
I went to my Sisters and when I arrived she informed me that in the press. The worst Motor Dealership was Vauxhall Motors. She told me that she would definitely NOT ever be buying a Vauxhall. This only confirmed what I already knew. The so called Body Shop Manager, to me a glorified accident and repair man was nothing more than a LIAR. The most disappointing thing was that Vauxhall Assistance believed him. With this latest report, I guess it is the standard procedure to believe the Dealerships. I guess that they just can't see that the Customer should come first. Mind you their replies were statements and not personal at all. It was as if you were talking to a computer.
By the way, things are not as they should be writing this short blog, there is something not quite right. Oh well, let us see if I can publish it. More hopefully soon.