Monday 27 June 2011

Food at last

The peas and broad beans are well on their way. As you can see the peas are plentiful. I have had other peas too so have dome well with them. I hope to take a few more photos another day.

These are two cherry trees. Both are now just about ready although I did have loads drop off with the dry spring. I guess though, this will mean that neighbours and friends will lose out. I have had a taste already. The trouble is that after the drought, the recent rains have caused to cherries to split. Not all of them but certainly enough.

Yesterday was a hot day, today has been a lot worse. I guess my American friend would say that it was typical weather for him. It has been so humid and the local weather man has just informed us that in our region it has been the hottest day since 2008. Around 31f. Far too hot for me. I am feeling uncomfortable so will finish for now. More soon.

1 comment:

  1. Heehee....... Our TV weathermen would advise that a mild cold front has moved in when predicting a high of only 31 Celsius in late June!

    The peas and beans look great! Would you believe that I have never purchased peas still in the pod - just peas in the can! But I do remember my Mother buying them and me helping to pop them out. A can opener is easier!
