Friday 24 August 2018


Last year in February I purchased a Karcher Pressure Washer. I used it and let the lad from next door play with it also and to be honest it was great.
 With the dry Summer we have had I had not used it at all  this year but with the recent rain I decided yesterday to go and water my polytunnel as it was like a desert. I plugged it in and fitted the hose turned on and started. I must admit that it had a peculiar smell but put that down to water but after using it for much less than 5 minutes it gave up. I felt the casing and to be honest, although it was warm it was not unusually warm. I did notice a smell though and thought that the motor had failed.
 I decided to go Online and found the helpline and sent an email informing them what had happened but I made an error in the purchase date putting 1917 instead of 2017.
 This morning I had a reply asking me many questions but on a second reading it was not too difficult to understand. Among things they requested was the number beside the serial number which I had given They also wished to know the date and receipt of the purchase.  The coupling and the rate of electricity I used.
 I did reply informing them that I had registered the product Online in February last year but could not say if it was Currys or Argos where I purchases the product. I answered what they wished and sent the reply. This was about this morning.
 I was just having my DINNER, this is what I call my midday meal when the phone rang. It was Karcher they asked me a couple of questions and said that they had a swap programme for these sorts of happenings. He told me that the swap would be made next Wednesday, which I confirmed I would be available but then told me that it must be in a box. Obviously I do not have a box of that size so I have wrapped it in a sack that contained bird seed. So now I will wait for an email informing me the time slot for a swap.
 I must admit that Karcher have been first class, first in replying to me almost immediately, secondly in the swift way that they decided to swap my Karcher Pressure Washer for a replacement.
 Bank Holiday is upon us once more and Sunday the forecast is not good let us hope that the forecasters are wrong. More soon.

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Text message

I had a phone call from my youngest Sister's Husband. He asked me if I had received a text message. I told him I had not checked so he informed me that my eldest Sister's Husband had just died. He also told me that his body was accepted and would go to research so I assume there will be no funeral.
 I will await my youngest Sister's email to inform me as to what will happen. I presume there will be a Memorial Service at some time.
 My Brother-in-Law did happen to talk about his garden and the produce or the lack of produce. I concurred with him and we left it at that. I did turn on my mobile and sure enough there was a text message. I very rarely turn on my mobile for I have difficulty writing messages because of my sight.
 As for me and my garden, I have had a very poor harvest of potatoes, they are plentiful but so small with the lack of rain. Those in the polytunnel were acceptable but those in tubs and sacks have been disappointing. My runner beans too have been poor producing hardly enough for me to have a couple of meals a day. Also with the heat my climbing french beans have more or less ided off. I did sow some broad beans for a late harvest but they too failed. I do have plenty of fruit although the apples are rather small compared to previous years but it looks as if I will have more than enough plums.
 It is still muggy and hot here but we are promised near normal temperatures from tomorrow.
 The lad from next door told me last week he was going to College last Friday so I saw him on Saturday and asked him how he had got on. His reply was that he had not done well so I asked him what was wrong. I think he was given a times table starting with a 5 times. I told him that this was easy and let him know that if it started with an odd number such as 3x5 or 5x5 then the figure would end with a 5 but if it started with a 2,4,6,or 8 then the answer would end in a 0. We will see how he gets on this Friday. More soon.

Monday 6 August 2018


I don't know if it just me or others go through this.
 About a month ago I had an appointment for me to attend the Outpatients Department in Louth giving a date in late July. A couple of weeks later I had another letter stating that "Due to unforeseen circumstances we have to change your appointment to another date". This was late August. I must admit that in general most appointments are altered.
 I have just come off the phone, it was British Gas calling. Incidentally I had a recorded phone call on Saturday confirming my appointment for this Tuesday  7th. August. The operator was very nice and apologised first saying that they had just been informed that due to heavy workloads of breakdowns my appointment for tomorrow has been cancelled. She then checked the availability of appointments and told me the earliest appointment would be October 1st. No wonder  British Gas is not performing well but she did add that because of the inconvenience caused they would compensate me with a £30 cheque. This is very nice and unexpected.
 Now to other serious matters. I think I wrote about my Brother-in-Law having prostate cancer which had spread to his bones. My youngest Sister rung up on Saturday giving me the latest on him. Itis not good, the Doctors wished him to go to a Hospice for the remainder of his life. The Doctor told his Wife(My Sister) that it could be days or at most weeks for him to live. My Sister told me that his vital organs are packing up and he looks yellow due to his liver failing.
 They have arranged for Macmillans Nurses to attend also some other organisations to attend to give my eldest Sister aid, she is 85, her Husband is 88 so of course she will not have the energy to do what she did many years ago. I expect to get a call anytime informing me of his demise and that the funeral date has been set.
 I do have several appointments due, I have the Hospital on August 28th. Surgery appointment on September 3rd. and I have my preoperative medical on September 11th. so as you can see my appointment book is rather full. I keep my fingers crossed that this sad day will not clash with my appointments. More soon.