Thursday 28 July 2011

Age beginning to show

I don't like admitting this, but the other day I was watching some news and they were reporting that several apple shops in China had been closed down for selling fake apples. Like an idiot, I naturally thought of eating and cooking apples. I thought how can anyone be fooled by selling fruit that is fake? However the next day, it showed a store that was reportedly selling fake apples. It turned out to be a Apple I pod and I tunes etc. I did feel a fool.
My friend though made me feel a little better. He came round to tell me he was going back home but would be back in a few weeks time. He then said that he felt as if the world was passing him by. He told me that although he was a Grammar School boy he had no idea how this modern technology works. I told him that I was just the same.
He made me laugh though a little later. He told me his wife had asked him what the swallows were doing on the telephone wires. He told her they were getting ready to leave. I asked him leaving where? He said they were ready to migrate. I told him that almost certainly they were young birds just learning the ropes. He admitted that there was a nest that had young in. He then started to say a rhyme. He told me that he could only remember a little of it but he said " I July I fly in August I must". I told him that the ryhme referred to the cuckoo. He laughed and knew he had got his facts wrong. I told him the the swallows would not leave here until September. He of course concurred. So this made me feel just a little bit better. I guess my best pal and I are getting old gracefully. Mind you we are like children when we get together. I say it is our second childhood. May we have lots of those days. More soon.

Wednesday 27 July 2011


I guess it was around 1990 that Ralph lost his wife. Obviously it altered his outlook to life. Mind you he had one more time of frivolity.
It was when Charlie Williams came to turn on the lights. It was the system that some celebrity turned on the lights around the end of July. Most celebrities turned on the lights and did not stay long. Charlie Williams went to the local hotel bar after he turned the lights on. Yes, Ralph was there. I was informed by several locals that it was the best night there had been in the bar for years. Both telling stories to each other. The general opinion was that it was an honourable draw. Ralph popped his head in a few days later and told me that it had been a great night.
Several months later he came in and told me that he had been to the Doctors. The Doctor had sent him for blood tests and the results had come back. The Doctor told him that he was not capable of living on his own. He told him he had anaemia and had to make arrangement to move with his Son. He told me his Son lived in Mareham Le Fen.
I heard nothing more from him and shortly after my lease ran out. It was then that I finished up having a Kiosk for 4 seasons.
I think it was 1995 when Ralph appeared at the Kiosk. It was nice ti see him. He told me that he had been to where I was and noticed that it was different and asked around and found out I was here so he made his way up to see me. He told me that he had come out on a Day centre outing. When he found out where it was he wanted to come.
He told me that he was staying with his Son, he had his own bedroom and they told him he could use the greenhouse to do as he wished. He told me he was growing a few chrysanths but then told me that although they were good to him, it was not like it being your own. I agreed with him. He also told me that he also knew nobody in the village. I could see he was not happy. I just told him that there was no joy in getting old. He readily agreed with me. We changed the subject and talked of old times. He was with me about 2 hours. He was sad when he had to leave, he told me he had enjoyed his time with me and told me he would certainly come again when the next day out was to here. Unfortunately that never happened. I guess this was about 16 years ago. He will at least be reunited with his wife. I have fond memories of Ralph. More soon.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

To continue

Well after Ralph worked on the repair of the sea defences, he found himself without work. He went to the Labour Exchange, that was what it was called. He went to sign on the dole. The Manager asked to see him and asked him what his job was. He told him he was a chip friar. The Manager then asked him what his original job was, When he told him he was a Miner then the Manager told him he had a job for him as a coalman.
He had the interview, got the job and told me that he had never had so many propositions in his life. He said the first time took him by surprise. He said this smart woman asked if he would like a cup of tea. She then asked him if some arrangement could be made about paying for the coal. He told me for a start he didn't realise what she meant. When the penny dropped he made some excuse and hurriedly left. He told me that he must have had at least 3 dozen offers in the first year. Once they found out he was unwilling, then it stopped. He told me that he would always tell them the same. He told them his wife was the best cook in the world and didn't want to lose her.
He would come and see me about twice a year. Put his head in the door, ask if I was busy and then tell me he was not stopping. It was always an hour or so of entertainment.
He told me that he once won the Waterloo Cup for Hare Coarsing. To be honest, I had not heard of the Waterloo Cup. Anyway he told me a little about it. He told me that 2 dogs were paired up as equally as they could be. He said that they were measured by height. He told me that he had a trick. He always put his dog to be measured and it was a sort of cage. He told me that he had a sharp pin so that when the dog went in. It didn't stand exactly 100% high. I also think he told me that they always used a false name. He did bring me a photo of the cup. It was a large cup and he looked proud. Whether it is true, I can only say that I believed him.
He then went on to tell me how he grew champion sweet peas. He told me that he won the cup for so many years that the organisers asked him not to enter sweet peas again.
What did he do? He then started to grow chrysanthemums. Yes he won cups for showing them.
Anyway as the years went by, his wife became a little unwell. So for that matter did Ralph.
He had cause to go to Hospital for an Xray. The Doctor called him in and asked him if he still smoked and if he did how many a day? He told him yeas and about 20. He used to smoke John Players. The best none filtered cigarette. Well the Doctor told him that if he didn't stop smoking, within 5 years he would be dead. I guess at that time he would be in his late 50s. He told me that he had just bought a new packet and had just smoked 1. He said left the Hospital, looked for the first man who was smoking, walked up to him and asked him if he would like the packet of cigarettes that he had just one out. The man said he would love to have them and that was the last time he ever bought cigarettes. He stopped smoking immediately. The remainder tomorrow.

Monday 25 July 2011

Real Character

I don't think I have spoken of this but there was a guy called Ralph. He was a real character. I met him because he delivered solid fuel to my Parents and they told him to come over to mine for a cup of tea which he did.
From the first, you could see that he was an interesting man.
Anyway he did come in again to see me. He told me that he had come from Leicester. He was originally a miner but had been buried by a roof fall underground so had to give up the face work so he decided to come to the seaside.
He told me the first job he had was to work for a well known employer. He worked seasonal for him. The first time he met him, he told Ralph that the only job he could offer was to do the washing up. He then proceeded to tell me what it entailed. By the way, I guess this was around 1951. He told me that the man told him to get there early the following Sunday and he would show him what to do. Ralph then told me that he was given a sou'wester and some overalls. He was then shown the dishwasher. It was a huge machine. When it was turned on the water was everywhere. He told me that in the front was a spindle with a damp cloth covering and you had to get a cup and hold it so the the cloth washed the cup by spinning vigorously. there were 2 of those. On the side there were side splits, just enough to get a plate in, once again the inside was spinning. He had me in stitches giving graphic examples of how the machine worked. The cups when washed were put in a tray and pushed through a rinsing machine where the water was very hot so that when they came out at the other end, they were almost dry. The plates were treated similar. He told me that the place used to seat 200 people and the work was extremely hot, and of course wet.
When he eventually got home his wife asked him if he had been in the sea for a dip. He told me he was not amused.
He did this for a complete season and during the winter he was allowed to sign on the dole because he had not really recovered from his ordeal in the pit.
The next year the man who employed him last season contacted him. Ralph told him he did not want to do the washing up again.The man understood and told him he was not offering him a job like that but another job at the other end of town in a fish shop. He was offered the job of potato peeler. There were electric rumblers so all he had to do was to rumble them and take the eyes out. He thought that would be easy. Some hope.
He started off rumbling potatoes, taking the eyes out and as it was early in the season, life was O.K. However when the 6 weeks started, it was bedlam. He told me that often he would rumble and eye 60 bags of potatoes, he said that he would be asked if the queue had reduced. He told me that if he could see the end of the queue. If he could then there was at least a 25 yards of people waiting.
One day the chip frier didn't turn up so Ralph was asked if he would learn how to fry chips. He was all for that because although it was dreadfully hot, it was easier.
He hadn't been frying chips many days when the woman at the counter shouted to him. "There is an order for 160 bags of chips". He told me at first he thought she was pulling his leg but then he noticed 2 boy scouts with a clothes basket. He told me it was chaos. Trying to get chips for that many. As normal, one pan is for fish and 2 for chips. He had all 3 pans for the chips. I knew it would be true because I was told when I came to the seaside that at one time, there was a meeting of scouts on a piece of ground. Incidentally when I first arrived the Circus arrived for the 6 weeks. Now it is a housing estate. Mainly bungalows. A private estate as you would imagine.
After the season ended, he was told that the next season he would be promoted to fish frier. This never happened as during the winter of 1952/3 the sea came over and he was employed on the sea defences.
He told me a lot of what went on and about the lots of vehicles that were lost by falling into the sea. They were just left there and eventually covered with concrete.
The work was very hard and I think he used the term "Powder Monkey". He told me that one of the foremen told him he was to be the powder monkey. He told me that meant he was raised high and it was his job to make sued the pile driver was hitting the steel girders that were being driven into the ground.
He told me the local beachcomber was the official tea boy. Mind you, he told me he was no good at that job. Mind you, it led him to realise that he had recovered from his accident in the pit.
Tomorrow, I will tell you more about Ralph.

Thursday 21 July 2011

These are the latest photos from the Greenhouse.

The first shows a cucumber. This is the second one I have had. My Italian friend gave me the plant. It is the best plant I have ever had.

The second is of course the grapes. As one can see, they are beginning to turn black. They will not be ripe for a few weeks yet. The longer I leave them on, the sweeter they become. I have at least 2 dozen bunches, last year I had almost 3 doze. They are still small but I am determined to reduce the bunches of grapes I get. Next year, I will aim for 18 bunches at most, then hopefully the fruit will be larger. Mind you, my Italian's wife commented to me last year that his grapes were small.

Over the years I have made several mistakes. I think the biggest mistake was to buy expensive fruit trees from the Isle of Wight. Most expensive and not the best quality. To be honest, the very best value for money has been at Morrisons Supermarket.
Through trial and error I have found out that the best early new potatoes are Arran Pilot, the best first early peas are Little Marvel and best main crop are Hurst Greenshaft. Early Nantes are very good carrots and Green Windsor broad beans are excellent. Advantage F1 cabbage are good enough for me. As for tomatoes. Gardeners delight are excellent but now I have dentures, not too good. It is the reason I have started to grow plum tomatoes. As I like marrows, I grow courgettes. They will grow into large marrows. Black Beauty is the one I have grown this year. As to leeks, Mussselburgh are reliable. Mind you with the dry early season I did not have a great germination. With beetroot Boltardy are great.

I have just picked the last of the cherries. Summer Sun is the variety. trouble is that the wasps found them and loved them too. Now I have to wait for about 3 weeks for my plums. More soon.

Wednesday 20 July 2011


I think I have mentioned it but my best pal is staying at a local caravan park very close to me so he visits me fairly regular.
The other day he came to see me. As all who bother to read my blog know what trouble I have with my teeth. They are very very poor fitting.
The doorbell rang and I went to let him in. As he came through I stared to make him a pot of tea and was talking to him. I know that my teeth at times are worse than other times. This was one of those bad times. He started to grin and told me he couldn't understand me. I told him that it was my sodding teeth. He started to laugh, he said he thought it was his hearing. To be honest, when we get together I really think we are going back to our second childhood.
Mind you, I told him that there was nothing wrong with us. The reason being.
When I was at Lydl I saw the old Manager of the Bookmakers next door to the Restaurant I ran.
We always got on well together but he left under a bit of a cloud.
When I started playing golf, I met him again on the course. I had several rounds of golf with him. Eventually I improved and he got worse so he left the club. I used to see him occasionally riding his bicycle. He was a fit guy and was around 5 years older than me.
Well a shout came at Lydy. Yes it was he, We shook hands and the first thing he told me was that he thought I had left. Meaning I had left this world. I asked about his wife, who I think has arthritis and could hardly walk. He said was was getting worse. He then told me that he had a bag on his side and also cancer and pointing to his chest. He then showed me 4 bottles of whisky. He told me that he mustn,t let his wife see it. I told him I hoped all went well and we both went on our way.
My best pal remarked that so many of his friends that he played cricket with had died. I told him we must change the subject. Luckily the doorbell rang and it was his wife so we did more listening than talking. More soon.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Passed Muster

Well, I went to the clinic this morning and was treated like a gent. The Nurse was very nice. One thing she asked me was if I was English. She apologised for asking that. She told me that the Doctors and her had not bothered to fill in the questionnaire on the web but they were informed that the question must be asked.
I had several tests, mainly to do with circulation. I guess I was in the room for about 25 minutes, she finally said that all was O.K. and that there would be no reason to make a further appointment. However if I was not happy at any time. I could contact the centre at any time. We shook hands and I left.
I then called in at Lydl a supermarket. I have only ever been in there about 8 times, for the first time, I went to collect some bananas, some chicken thighs and ice cream. I then walked to the checkout. The checkout lad was waiting for me so I was in and out very quickly.
I got home and went to pick the cherries. I did not wish to do so but the wasps were eating them. I wanted to pick a few more gooseberries but it started to rain. Within a few seconds, the heavens opened up and terrific claps of thunder with lightening. It lasted for about 30 minutes. My drains could not take the volume of water so there was a certain amount of flooding. Nothing to worry about though. I had my dinner and after the rain stopped, picked some gooseberries. A little later we had another downpour, no thunder this time but consistent heavy rain. It lasted for about 40 minutes so now all the water butts are full and the garden is very wet.
It reminds me of my Mother. She used to say after a prolonged dry spell. "It has forgotten how to rain, the trouble is that when it does rain it will forget how to stop". How true it seems to be.
Mind you, my garden is looking well with the runner beans and marrows doing well. More soon.

Monday 18 July 2011


This photo brings memories. As I have told you, my best friend has been in the area. We were discussing our youth so I said I had something that very few people would have seen let alone own. It was what you see. It is a monocular. My Father hardly ever spoke of the War but did once tell me that he got this monocular off a dead Japanese Officer. I know the photo is poor but that is me. He was with Colonel Orde Wingate in Burma, incidentally he worshiped Orde Wingate, as did almost all of his men. He was one of the original Chindits, so called after a mythical beast. It was the only thing he cherished after the War. When he received his medals, he took one look at them, just said that it was not enough reward to receive after giving 6 years of one's life. He never ever looked at them again.

I have given them to my Great Niece. Whether she will look after them is anybodys guess. I think my Sisters have the Chindit flashes which were worn on the arm.

Enough of that. My friend was talking about his move, it will definitely be his last. Since I have known him, that is less than 30 years he has moved, I think 4 times. I told him that I have only moved 4 times in my entire life. I was in a terraced house with no electricity from when I was born to early 1947. We then moved, still on the same estate, to a 3 bedroomed semi with basic electricity. I stayed there until I went into business in late 1968. I stayed there until my lease expired in early 1993. Where upon I moved to where I am now. I do not have any desire to ever move away from here. Whether I will be able to spend the rest of my life here is unknown. I will however try my best.

His wife came a little later to pick him up. The last time he came, I gave some gooseberries for her. She informed me that they were the best gooseberries she had ever tasted. I must see if I can take a photo of them. When ripe they go a deep almost black colour. Today, I gave them some runner beans, marrow and some shallots, also a few broad beans.

Tomorrow, I have to go to the Medical Practice several miles away for a Podiatry assessment. Please do not ask me what it means as I do not know. After tomorrow, I will know more. Am I worried? No, if something is wrong, then so be it. Worrying will make no difference whatsoever.

Finally his wife commented on my cottage garden. She couldn't get over the petunias. They are certainly putting on a good show, she also noted that the cherries were very large. I told her that many years ago, my Mother had a cherry tree. She told me that when they looked ripe, they were not quite ripe and if left on the tree for a few more days, seemed to grow by about 10%. This I have always done. They should be ready in 2 or 3 days. These are the last cherries. Summer Sun they are called. They are about 2 weeks later than Stella. Grapes are beginning to turn a little but are not ready just yet. I think about 1 month at least before they will get a little sweeter. More soon.

Wednesday 13 July 2011


Watching cricket this evening and listening to the commentators bought a smile to my face. Both commentators are Lancastrian and both are not in their first flush of youth.
They were commenting on Lancashire had several games of T20 cricket matches in a week. "Bumble" was one of the commentators and "Walt" the other. Bumble was on about the washing of their whites. Walt then stated that they would almost certainly laundered fir them. This started Bumble off. He then started to say that when he started playing cricket. It was up to the players to make sure that their whites were clean every day. He then proceeded to state that washday at his house was on a Friday. Walt queried this stating that most homes wash day was on a Monday. Friday was his retort that was when the mangle was used. Walt then asked him if they had a dolly tub. Not only a dolly tub but an enamel bath. To be honest, I think he meant a tin bath. He then stated that bath night was every other Thursday. He then proceeded to state that the bath was in front of the fire. His Father got in first, his Uncle second and he was last. He said that for some reason his Uncle stayed with them for some time.
Although each house had a set routine. We always had a bath on a Sunday night and changed clothes. Mind you after a bath it was bed. Generally very early. Monday was wash day at ours, It didn't matter if the sun was shining, heavy rain was falling or snow on the ground. Monday was wash day. Having them talk about wash day bought back memories.
Finally, a couple of days ago, I was watching Eurosport showing Tour de France. A French T.V. crew hit one of the leading riders and knocked him off his bike the cyclist behind him was thrown into the air and landed on barbed wire. The commentators were shocked. As it happened, today they mentioned the poor cyclist who was thrown on to the barbed wire. He told them that he had to have, I think 17 stitches where his legs had been lacerated. I am sure that the clip will eventually be on YouTube.
My best friend rung me up tonight and told me he will visit me tomorrow so I may not write a blog. More soon.

Tuesday 12 July 2011


I don't know if I have told this story before, but if I have I apologise.
A young man worked for us part time. His parents were farmers. He was one of the nicest young men who worked for me, very polite and would tell you all the latest news. My Mother thought the world of him.
This particular day he came in full of excitement. He had been to the local hotel the night before and saw a pop star.!! He saw me and mentioned that he had seen Bram Tchaikovsky in the local bar. I just replied that he had seen Peter. No he said to me, he had seen Bram. I stopped him there and told him that his real name was Peter. He looked surprised and didn't know if I was telling him the truth. I told him I had known Peter B since about 1971. I guess this was around 1985. I then told him that there was a pop group around Mablethorpe called Dust. They were very popular and that they used to visit my place whenever they were in town. I told him that although Peter was always with them, he certainly didn't look anything like the rest of them as he was always very clean, neat and tidy. He seemed impressed that I knew him. By the way, I had seen him prancing around on Top of the Pops and thought nothing of it.
About 10 years later, I was at the Golf Club when Peter came over to me. He shook my hand and told me that he had joined the club. I told him that was good and it was nice to see him.
I had quite a few rounds of golf with him, generally in competitions but occasionally socially.
I guess it was a few years later, when the lady Vice Captain came over to me. She said to me that this was Josh. She then proceeded to tell her Grandson that his Father worked for me. To be honest, I never realised that the young man that worked for me, her parents were now playing golf. Incidentally, both were very nice people. Anyway she then told me that her other Son, who incidentally worked for me after the eldest had left. She told me that he was still in the Navy, still single as he was married to the Navy.
To be honest, I only saw Peter a few times after this. whether he carried on playing at the local club I don't know. Unfortunately a few years later, my health stopped me from continuing playing golf. A game that I really did love. More soon.

Monday 11 July 2011

Bits and bobs

This is the last petunia to flower. To be honest, I was surprised and I think it is the nicest one in pink. I guess there are about 6 different flowers. basically either red or pink.

These are the runner beans. As you can see, I have plenty of beans on. They are fairly early so I am pleased especially after the hail did a certain amount of damage.

Now to other matters. I was listening to the radio on Saturday and there was a piece about the riots in Toxteth Liverpool in I think 1986. The man was saying that most people would never have visited a Police Station before then. Now things are totally different.

It bought back to my mind that in about 1995 I had cause to visit the Police Station in Skegness.

Not that I had done anything wrong. Anyway I was ushered into a sort of waiting room. Later I found out it was an interview room. I was left on my own, I guess for about 15 minutes or so. I started to look round and noticed that things were fixed securely. I was fascinated and wondered why. When eventually someone came to see me I bought to their attention that things were secured to either the floor or the table. The explanation I was given was that it had t5o be done because a lot of those arrested, would either try to get something like an ash tray or a chair and attack the Policeman in the room. He told me that things were different in my day. They certainly were, we were afraid of the Police. If they caught us doing something not good, they would either clip you round the ear or tell you they was going to tell your parents. That was the worst because if that happened, we would get a thrashing.

Anyway the Sargent told me that they would soon be getting CCTV so that all could be recorded, I thought this is rural Skegness, what would it be like in a big city?

I should have really realised because in I guess 1992, I was summoned to the H.M. Inspector of Taxes in Louth. Together with my Accountant, off we went to Louth. It was an eye opener. We had to go through a metal grill upstairs. The first question I asked was what was going on. This is Lincolnshire. I was reminded that there was a Louth in Ireland. I realised how innocent I was.

The last time I had this sort of treatment was fairly recent. I think in 2006 0r 7. I had cause to go top the Small Claims in Skegness Court. Upon entering I was asked to take my watch off. Take anything that was metal off and take all my loose change out of my pockets and leave them on a table. I then went through a sort of metal detecting screen to see if I had a weapon or anything metal. I thought what was the world coming to? Such is life. More soon.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Italian Friend

I decided to ring my Italian friend last night to see if he was coming over to the local town. He was so I suggested that he come and visit me so that I could give him some cherries.
Anyway he arrived this morning. When he saw the cherries his eyes lit up. He could see that they were very ripe so they would be very sweet. I decide to pick the last few cherries from the tree that is covered. Those were not quite as ripe as the ones I had already picked the day before. I told him that I would suggest he kept them for a few days so that they would ripen completely. He then could give some cherries to his children. Children? They are all grown up and married. His youngest son had a dreadful accident well over a year ago. He was on a scaffolding and a bus ran into the scaffolding and knocked him off and he was severely injured. I asked him how he was going on and he told me that he was once again working. I told him to get a good Solicitor as he could claim compensation. He was self employed and could not work for many months. He is a joiner. Anyway, he told me that the firm that used to use him for fitting bathrooms and kitchens etc. They had finally offered him a job and have given him a car, he told me that they were paying him £500 a week. That is very good money for rural Lincolnshire. He told me that he was still waiting to see what compensation he would receive. I do hope that he gets what he deserves as he was having to borrow money whilst he was injured. Being self employed he had no other income only sick pay.
Today we have had some very heavy showers. My satellite went off so I guess that means my dish has moved a little. A little job for my mate who, all being well will be here next week.
Will try top visit my my old business to see how the man is getting on. Last time he had just got over another heart attack. I hope to take him a few cherries and perhaps some runner beans.
More soon.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Even more sore

First picture is of 4lb of cherries I picked today. My Italian friend will be calling tomorrow so he will be able to give about a lb to each of his children and have 1lb left for him and his wife. The second is of some of my broad beans. I froze enough to fill an ice cream tub. I still have enough for about another week of eating fresh broad beans.

The third is of my first marrow. You can see where the hailstone damaged the outer skin. It didn't damage the marrow though.

This is of the cherry tree. I think I was looking through a telescope the wrong way. I can assure you it is a lot bigger than it looks. typical of me with the camera.

Above is why I was and still am a little tired, stiff and stupidly a little sunburnt. I have filled my waste bin and there is more than enough to fill the waste bin for another 2 trips. The next waste bin day is just over a week away so it will be at least a month before all the wood is disposed.

It was my Sisters' birthday yesterday so I rung her up. I told her that it was a pity that she wasn't on holiday this week as I had quite a few things ready in my garden. I mentioned that I had some lovely cherries that were very ripe so very sweet. She told me that she had bought 1/2lb of cherries on the local market for over 50p. What a pity.

My runner beans are coming on well and I will have another feed tomorrow. My french beans have been a little slow but I have set another lot and hopefully in about a month I will be eating more french beans.

Today, I have made 3 jars of strawberry jam. I managed to collect and freeze just over 2.5lb of strawberries. I do not eat them raw as they do not agree with me.

On Saturday, I picked a few gooseberries and gave them to the neighbours. I have my desert gooseberries which are beginning to turn red. They go a dark maroon colour when ripe. The only trouble is, that they are very thorny. More soon.

Monday 4 July 2011

Short and sweet

After last Friday's effort. I took it easy over the week end However it was dreadfully hot and there were lots of those tiny flies about.
On Sunday I collected well over 2 lb of cherries and gave most of them away. Today, I went again and picked another 3lb and will take them to a colleague tomorrow. I also picked a small punnet for my postman friend, I gave him a lavender plant that my best pal,s Daughter has cultivated herself. The late Geoff Hamilton took the BBC T.V to her herb garden so it is well known around Chesterfield way. Her lavender is called Hardstoft Pink. It is hardy, well lets put it this way, it stood last winters cold. I told my pal and he told is Daughter because she was unsure as to whether it was hardy.
this afternoon I went out and picked a load of broad beans. I couldn't tell you how many as the scales only went round to 9lb and there were more than that amount. I have taken a few photos of the cherries and runner beans. I also took a photo of the marrow, it shows the hail damage to the skin.
Today I had the first runner beans of the season, also the first tomato is ripe. although it is nice to think that the first fruits are beginning to be ready, it also makes me sad to realise that summer is only here for a few short weeks. Still lets be positive, I have my plums to look forward to next. I guess about a month away from being ripe. More soon.

Friday 1 July 2011

Hard work

Today I went mad, well in the morning I decided to finish off cutting my leylandi down. Yesterday, I did most of it and was shattered. Anyway, my mate was calling later so I started early and managed to get it finished before he came. My waste bin is full to overflowing and I have enough to fill it again. The trouble is that it was only emptied yesterday and it is only emptied fortnightly.
Well my mate called, he bought some wood and he tried to strengthen the rose arch. Next was to adjust my water butt. It was set too high so that it overflowed once it was full. Well with his thoughtfulness, he managed to adjust it so that it is now good. He put a T bar on it and a piece of hose so that I can attach it to another water butt nearby when it needs filling.
We then went and had a drink. We went after that down the garden. I asked him if it would be possible to cut my spare cherry tree down. I call it my spare cherry tree because it has no cover at all and is always being attacked by black fly. Well he looked at it and asked if I had a bow saw. I told him I had, I then went into the garage and showed it to him. He said it would do fine. So mainly him started to cut the tree down. I guess the trunk is about 10" wide. He started at about 11.30am. We were both sweating profusely and at about 12.30pm I said that we would have dinner. We had roast pork. I did the crackling for him so that it was lovely and crispy. With the pork we had new potatoes, french beans and cauliflower. After dinner we then decided to try once again to see if we could get the tree down. After another 20 minutes or so, with us both pulling and pushing, the tree finally gave up and it was down. He admitted he had not done so much work in ages. He certainly burnt off his calories that he had for dinner. After a couple of cups of tea, he finally left.
A little later, I went and cut off the side branches. The next door neighbours son was there. I asked him if he had a chain saw. He told me he had but it was blunt. I told him what I had and if he wished he could have the trunk and cut it up and use it for burning in their stove. He told me that he would come and fetch it tomorrow. We will see. More soon.