Tuesday 26 July 2011

To continue

Well after Ralph worked on the repair of the sea defences, he found himself without work. He went to the Labour Exchange, that was what it was called. He went to sign on the dole. The Manager asked to see him and asked him what his job was. He told him he was a chip friar. The Manager then asked him what his original job was, When he told him he was a Miner then the Manager told him he had a job for him as a coalman.
He had the interview, got the job and told me that he had never had so many propositions in his life. He said the first time took him by surprise. He said this smart woman asked if he would like a cup of tea. She then asked him if some arrangement could be made about paying for the coal. He told me for a start he didn't realise what she meant. When the penny dropped he made some excuse and hurriedly left. He told me that he must have had at least 3 dozen offers in the first year. Once they found out he was unwilling, then it stopped. He told me that he would always tell them the same. He told them his wife was the best cook in the world and didn't want to lose her.
He would come and see me about twice a year. Put his head in the door, ask if I was busy and then tell me he was not stopping. It was always an hour or so of entertainment.
He told me that he once won the Waterloo Cup for Hare Coarsing. To be honest, I had not heard of the Waterloo Cup. Anyway he told me a little about it. He told me that 2 dogs were paired up as equally as they could be. He said that they were measured by height. He told me that he had a trick. He always put his dog to be measured and it was a sort of cage. He told me that he had a sharp pin so that when the dog went in. It didn't stand exactly 100% high. I also think he told me that they always used a false name. He did bring me a photo of the cup. It was a large cup and he looked proud. Whether it is true, I can only say that I believed him.
He then went on to tell me how he grew champion sweet peas. He told me that he won the cup for so many years that the organisers asked him not to enter sweet peas again.
What did he do? He then started to grow chrysanthemums. Yes he won cups for showing them.
Anyway as the years went by, his wife became a little unwell. So for that matter did Ralph.
He had cause to go to Hospital for an Xray. The Doctor called him in and asked him if he still smoked and if he did how many a day? He told him yeas and about 20. He used to smoke John Players. The best none filtered cigarette. Well the Doctor told him that if he didn't stop smoking, within 5 years he would be dead. I guess at that time he would be in his late 50s. He told me that he had just bought a new packet and had just smoked 1. He said left the Hospital, looked for the first man who was smoking, walked up to him and asked him if he would like the packet of cigarettes that he had just one out. The man said he would love to have them and that was the last time he ever bought cigarettes. He stopped smoking immediately. The remainder tomorrow.

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