Tuesday 19 July 2011

Passed Muster

Well, I went to the clinic this morning and was treated like a gent. The Nurse was very nice. One thing she asked me was if I was English. She apologised for asking that. She told me that the Doctors and her had not bothered to fill in the questionnaire on the web but they were informed that the question must be asked.
I had several tests, mainly to do with circulation. I guess I was in the room for about 25 minutes, she finally said that all was O.K. and that there would be no reason to make a further appointment. However if I was not happy at any time. I could contact the centre at any time. We shook hands and I left.
I then called in at Lydl a supermarket. I have only ever been in there about 8 times, for the first time, I went to collect some bananas, some chicken thighs and ice cream. I then walked to the checkout. The checkout lad was waiting for me so I was in and out very quickly.
I got home and went to pick the cherries. I did not wish to do so but the wasps were eating them. I wanted to pick a few more gooseberries but it started to rain. Within a few seconds, the heavens opened up and terrific claps of thunder with lightening. It lasted for about 30 minutes. My drains could not take the volume of water so there was a certain amount of flooding. Nothing to worry about though. I had my dinner and after the rain stopped, picked some gooseberries. A little later we had another downpour, no thunder this time but consistent heavy rain. It lasted for about 40 minutes so now all the water butts are full and the garden is very wet.
It reminds me of my Mother. She used to say after a prolonged dry spell. "It has forgotten how to rain, the trouble is that when it does rain it will forget how to stop". How true it seems to be.
Mind you, my garden is looking well with the runner beans and marrows doing well. More soon.

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