Monday 31 January 2011

This and that

I have been watching the uprising of Egypt on Aljazeera. A satellite channel which I find the most informative there is. Anyway while I was watching the live pictures, a motor cycle went by a roadside check. I didn't take a lot of notice but thought it looked odd so I used the play back system. It took a lot of believing, the man was driving the motorcycle, which was only a 2 wheeler. In front of him, was a boy of about 8 it looked as if he was sitting on the petrol tank, on the pillion was a woman but in front of her was a young child about 4. Needless to say, not a safety helmet in sight. The last time I saw anything like that was in India.
Now to something different. My American friend blog bought this story to mind.
As most will know, I used to have blood tests every fortnight, then every month now thank goodness every 3 months. Well this was I think when I was on the 2 monthly blood test. I went to the Surgery and sat next to this man, just a little younger than me, we made just light conversation. This man came to sit next to me, he was as I could see full of arthritis and his hands were swollen. To my surprise this other man knew him and enquired as to whether he had got his harvest in and the ground ready for winter. The fellow said he had. The first guy then said to him that he had never seen him in here before and it was not like him. At this, I suggested that I swap seats so that they could converse better. Both would not have it so I just said I would be all ears then. Now this farmer then said this."I've come in to see the Doctor because I wrote a cheque to this firm, about a week later I had a letter from the Bank Manager telling me to make an appointment to see him as soon as possible. I went to see him and he showed me the cheque and told me he could not cash it. I asked him why? He told me to look at the signature, that is not your signature. I then told him that I could not hold a pen properly, look at my hands." They were definitely swollen. He then said the Bank Manager told him that he must arrange something as he was not prepared to order payments with that signature. Then he said, "Mind you, I have no worries, my Daughters husband went for a check up. I think it was one that was offered free when you were 45. Anyway the Surgery wrote to him and told him to make an appointment as soon as possible. He went to see the Doctor and was informed that he had prostate cancer. We both said in unison, that is very bad news. He then started to say that the Doctor had told him that an appointment had been made to attend hospital, and not to worry as not all cancers of the prostate are terminal. At that I was called in to have my blood tested. I did say to her, "Can you get the next one as we are busy talking" she laughed and told me to come on. She didn't realise that I had meant it. She told me after that had she known, she would have called the next one in so that we could finish our talk. Sorry it is left in limbo, but it is funny what you hear in the surgery sometimes. More soon.

Friday 28 January 2011


As some will know, I once worked on British Railways in the Loco dept. They were in general the happiest days of my life.
The comradeship was extraordinary, everyone seemed to get on so well with each other, This unfortunately cannot happen these days because there are no jobs available that would allow several school leavers to start work at the same place.
Mind you I was lucky, all the other lads went to the same school but I was welcomed all the same.
The friendship seemed to carry on although as one was promoted only through people leaving and retiring, the less we saw of each other, however we would always more than pass the time of day when we met.
In the mid 60s when Beeching wielded the axe several of us were made redundant. After the unions intervened about 12 jobs were found and so 12 firemen were reinstated. I was one of those reinstated. There were a few who were offered their jobs back but decided to leave anyway. About 6 went to work at a tyre place. I saw the writing on the wall so I found another job about 3 months later.
In 1978 I had been in business at the seaside for 9 years, I came over to Grantham and took my Mother, who was disabled shopping. We went to Wilco, at that time they had a small car park just for patrons. I parked there and out I got, immediately a guy called out to me, I turned round and it was a fellow ex fireman who I called George. He got out of the car, we hugged as though we were long lost brothers. We were never close but we always got on well together but this is how most ex firemen greeted each other. He then got back in his car. He told me that I must be doing O K as I had a fairly new car. I told him I was doing O.K. I asked him how he was doing. To my surprise he told me that he was doing well now, he had been in hospital and had a lung removed. He told me he had been lucky . There was a screening at his works so he went to have his lungs X-rayed. They found a shadow on his lung and was admitted to hospital within a week. The Doctor told him that they had just caught it at the right time. He told me that he was to go to the Specialist next week and expected to get the all clear so that he could soon go back to work.
He then started talking of the old days on the Railway. I told him they were the happiest days of my life, he admitted too that they were his best times. He told me also that on the odd occasion he tells his Son of the things that went on at the Loco, his Son would not believe him. I then reminded him that he never bought a box of matches. He laughed heartily as he knew what I was about to say, he used to put the brush in the fire to get it lit then light his cigarette. He then told me that my Mother had walked almost all the way to Wilco and suggested I go. We shook hands again both remarking how great it was to see each other. That was the last I saw of him.
Many many years later, I was in the obituaries, Georges' name. He had died aged about 75. About 29 or so years after I had seen him at Grantham. I was pleased that he had such a long life after his serious operation. More soon.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Is it me?

I wonder if it is me or whether it happens to everybody.
When I purchased this car, I went and bought it off the web. So when I was thinking of getting another I contacted them.
I had selected the car I wished. A British Made Car, unfortunately I was informed that after some searches they found that the car I wished would not be available until after Jan 4th this year when VAT had been increased to 20%. They gave me a price anyway. I told them not to order the car. I immediately surfed the web, found another Company that supplied new cars. Told them what I wanted, they contacted me and once again informed me that this car would not be available until January 2011. They also gave me a price and it was just a little cheaper than the other supplier and it also had Air Conditioning so I ordered the car.
A couple of weeks ago I contacted them to ask when was the car likely to be ready. A couple of days later a phone call was made to me and they informed me that the Company had informed them that delivery was to be February 1st. I told him I was not pleased and considering this car was ordered in October last year, it was n wonder the economy was as it is. H then told me that it was late October and it may be here before February 1st. I can say with confidence that there is no chance to have the car by that date.
While I mention this is that this is British made coming from Ellesmere Port. I have however on Tuesday ordered a waterproof doorbell on the web. This was manufactured in China but obviously in stock because today, Thursday it arrived my Royal Mail.
Is there a moral to this tale? If there is I guess it would be do not buy British if you wish to have a reasonable delivery date.
Finally it is just a production line car, I find it almost unbelievable. More soon.

Tuesday 25 January 2011


I don't think I have mentioned this but I am on LPG and I used to have Flogas as a supplier. Early in 2009 they sent a circular informing me that they were increasing the price of LPG. I wrote, what I thought was a nice letter informing them that I thought I deserved a better deal as I had been a loyal customer for over 5 years, paid promptly and although I had reported damage to my Bulk Tank cover, nothing had been done to rectify this and also my Tank had never been serviced. I didn't get any reply. So in late March I went to Northern Energy and asked if the would supply me. One of the directors came to see me, told me that they had been inundated with calls, from disgruntled Calor and Flogas customers. We had a pleasant 2 hours together and told me that he would charge me 38p per ltr. The last Flogas had been 49p per ltr so I was delighted. I signed a transfer form and he left telling me that he was supposed to see 5 more prospective customers that day but because he had spent so much time with me, he would not get them all seen.
About a week later, I received a call from Flogas wanting to know why I was leaving. I informed them that firstly, I had written a personal letter and I had never even had a reply. They seemed surprised, I then read my copy to them, they told me that they would get back to me. About 10 minutes later they called again, offered me a good price, I refused and told them that I was disappointed at their service. A new offer was given, a ridiculous offer but it was only guaranteed for 6 months. As it was by now April, I knew I would not be needing much if any top up so I again refused.
About a week later a couple of men came to pressure test and service the boiler. I pointed out the damage to the cover, one stated to me that he had one in his van and if I decided to stay, they would change the Bulk Tank completely. I politely refused. So now I was with Northern Energy.
The name was changed because they had managed to get many new customers. A delivery driver informed me that they had to set 2 new men on and create new rounds as it was so busy. This I must admit worried me because by the way the Director was talking to me it was a small Family run business.
Well all was fine for some time, my September LPG was as expected 38p a ltr, then things started to increase. First it was a temporary surcharge, then it seemed permanent. This summer we were informed that the LPG had only gone down to 49p a ltr. What really annoyed me was that every time the price went up, within a few days a top up of LPG was delivered.
Well in early December I asked for a top up. The woman on the other end told me that they don't normally top up until the tank is down to 25%. I informed her that I was just on a state pension of less than £100 a week and a huge bill was not what I was after. Anyway I was delivered over 500 ltrs. of LPG at a cost of 52.8p a ltr. The final straw was last week. A delivery of over 250 litrs and the cost was 59.8p per ltr. That is an increase of well over 50% on the original price quoted to me in April last year.
I had been online and one company always gives the price for the month. Each time it has been less than Home Heat, it had changed it's name.
Well I went online and asked another company if they would be willing to supply me, but as my contract did not expire until mid April I was just registering. Later that day, I had a call telling me just to ring this man up on April 1st and he would visit me.
So now I will just wait and see. More soon.

Monday 24 January 2011

Council Workmen

As most will know, for the last 4 years I rented a Council Property.
As it was not very well protected, I decided with a mate who I described before helped me make it more secure.
Well the Council employed a man whose job it was to assess work that was needed then arrange for it to be done. I had cause to have him come to visit me because I had a break in.
He called a few times, he seemed pleasant enough and when he saw the improvements I had done informed me that he had had a word with his boss and suggested that the Council could also improve the property. His intention was to have the windows replaced and new double doors also replaced. He told me that he had arranged for a man to call and visit him on site and asked me if I would be there. I told him that I would.
The day came and he came to see me, while we were waiting we had a drink and talk. When this car drove up, he immediately recognised it and went out to meet him. He greeted him with "You managed to find it then". He then took him round to show what was required. The old windows were single glazed metal framed. They were being replaced by wooden framed single glazed windows. I think there were 4 6ft wide by app 30" deep. The double doors were being replaced as they were rotting at the base. The conversation went something like this. "Well you've seen what is needed, we have about £1200 in the kitty so don't spend anymore than that. I shan't be getting another quote so if you want the job it's yours." The man readily agreed to do the job. He turned to me and told me that I should make arrangements with the builder as to when they came. I was astounded, I had been in business for over 30 years and never would I have acted in such a way. Not to get at least 2 quotes baffled me.
I couldn't wait to tell my mate what had gone on. Mind you, much later he found out that he was getting a little bonus from some people that he gave jobs to. I am innocent and would never have thought anything like that went on, but on reflection, he did tell me once or twice that he could not get something done for me. I guess I should have had a few notes in my pocket to give him. I know of one man who gave him a few quid for doing him a favour.
To me though, it is robbing the Council Tax payer. If he could have saved £200 from my job and say he could save the same amount off another 10 jobs in a year. That is £2000 saved in one department.
By the way, this was in about 1994. He used to say he was not well paid, I think he was on about £12500 a year then. Mind you, he was a gambler. He retired some years ago. More soon.

Friday 21 January 2011

Good and not so good

Oh well, yesterday I went into the local town for my second fitting for my dentures. everything went according to plan and made another appointment for early February for a third fitting prior to the final extraction and fittnig of me new dentures.
Today I went to have my B.P. checked. Just as I was about to leave my friend arrived, I thought I would be gone before he arrived. Anyway I asked him to replace my old printing ink with a new one in my printer.
So off I went happily to the surgery to have my B.P. checked. I had to wait about 5 or so minutes but there was some nice music playing for a change. The Nurse called me in, it was a Nurse I had never seen before which is unusual as I am there regular. She was very nice and we passed pleasantries, she told me that she was waiting for pay day as she was paid monthly and it was getting towards the end of the month. Then came the test. Oh dear she informed me, it was more or less the same as last time. This was after the doubling in strength of my medication. She informed me that the Dr. who saw me last time would come to see me. I didn't know he was in the building but about 5 minutes later he arrived. He also took my B.P. Naturally there was the same readings. He was concerned, then asked the Nurse if it was possible to double up again in strength the medication I was on. She told him she was not sure. Off he went to his consulting room and shortly came back with a book of reference. He informed me and her that we could have 10mg of treatment instead of 5mg. Considering I started on 2.5mgs. This is not good. Mind you when I was on the old beta blockers I was on 100mgs a day. I think though they were not as effective as these modern drugs are. My consultant at Hospital told me that it was the use of those beta blockers that was the cause of my diabetes. He put on my records. Induced.
Well he seemed reasonably satisfied, told me to keep a careful watch on things and if anything out of the ordinary seemed to occur then contact the surgery immediately. In any case have my B.P. checked in about 6 weeks.
I was a little disappointed but that is life I'm afraid. I will have to wait and see what happens.
Now my friend bought me some seeds from Wilko, they have on offer, their own brand of seeds, when I say their own brand, I mean their own packages of well known brands. They sell them buy 2 and get a third one free. He bought me some Carrots and Beetroot among other veg.
By the way, my Broad Bean seeds I set just 14 days ago the odd ones are just beginning to germinate. I like to get them early because black fly is the bain of broad beans and from late May black fly is a menace. I manage to get most of my beans before black fly becomes too rampant. With the days getting brighter and the evenings drawing out a little I am thinking of getting ready for setting a few more seeds. I think Tomato seeds first. More soon.

Wednesday 19 January 2011


Just an update as to my medication.
Yesterday morning I went into town to the Surgery, I went to reception and saw a lady that I know well. A couple of days earlier I received a copy from my Consultant at Hospital. He also sent a copy to the surgery. At the bottom he sent a memo to his assistant to make sure that he had notified the surgery as to my needs. I showed this to the receptionist and told her I might have to have a call from the Dr. She told me to hang on a bit and she would check the computer to see if the notification had been received. All of a sudden she told me she had found it. She then suggested I go to the dispensary. I told her that before I go there I should make an appointment to have my B.P. checked. This done I went to dispensary and a young Nurse said Hiya to me. I asked her if she could check to see if my medication had been approved. She printed out the prescriptions and all seemed well. She took the old prescription ticked the one which said this medication cannot be patient initiated, told me that it would be fine.
Today, I waited in all day for my medication to arrive. Sure enough it arrived at about 3.00pm. I asked him to wait until I had checked my items. Sure enough, all the items were present. What a lovely surprise. Now all should be back to normal for some time. Now tomorrow morning I go to the Dental Surgeon for a second fitting of dentures and on Friday morning I go for my B.P. check. What a hectic life I lead. More rubbish soon.

Tuesday 18 January 2011


Watching the news and the restriction of fish bought to mind this story.
It so happened that in the 70s Customs and Excise, who at that time set the rateable values on properties, I think only business, increased my rateable value by quite an amount.
Well you know just how I feel about my Accountant. This was really before I knew him very well. I told him that I was thinking of appealing the increase. He readily agreed and informed me that he would come with me at his own expense to fight the case. Needless to say we lost. I was not pleased by the way he performed, even less when he told me that it was a good experience for him as it was the fist time he had done anything like that. Typical, I thought wasted my time.
Now again in the I guess the late 80s. I would say 18986/7 time I again had an increase of my rates. I wrote and told them that I did not think it right that my rates were more than the rent I was paying. I received a letter informing me that a Customs man would come to see me.
I know it was a September because my Mother used to visit me for a month in September and she was present when the man called.
He was pleasant and addressed me as Mr. I immediately told him to call me by my christian name and I was not going to be nasty at all to him. I then told him to make himself at home and asked if he wanted tea or coffee. He wanted coffee. I introduced my Mother to him, he then sat down and told me to call him by his christian name too. I then told him that several years before I had appealed, he ten got the papers out. I just said to him that he would know everything then. Yes he told me but things are now a little different. I asked him why? Well he told me, the Boston Office is to close and his boss was being transferred to Nottingham. I enquired as to what was going to happen to him. He told me that he had a full pension and no matter how much more he paid in he would receive no more pension . I suggested that he take early retirement. He told me that was what he and his wife had been discussing. He did not wish to leave the area, he then told me his son had left home and was at University so he would probably take early retirement. I then suggested to him that he had seen many changes during his life as a Customs and Excise official.
He then surprised me with what he said next.
He told me that as a junior he was sent to Hull. His first assignment was at Hull Docks. I immediately informed him that Hull along with Liverpool were the two most militant Docks in the country.
He grinned and told me that he found that out but only after he went back to his office. Anyway, he went to the Docks the man on the gate asked for his permit and then told him where to go. He told me that the job was routine and only took an hour or so. Anyway he said, when I left and got to the gate the man just told me that this package was for him.
He told my Mum and I that he was astounded, he immediately told him that he could not accept a gift under any circumstances and that he would report the incident to his boss.
As soon as he got back in his office, he went to see his boss and told him what had happened. Immediately his boss took his head in his hands and informed him that fish at the docks was just about the same as being offered a cup of tea in a restaurant. He just hoped that things could be smoothed out at the docks.
Well a couple of days later he told me he was sent again to the Docks, the same guy was on the gate. He told me that he immediately apologised for what had happened. The gate man just shrugged his shoulders.
He said he was dreading the time to leave but when he got to the gate, the gate man told him once again that there was a package for him. He then said to the man if he didn't mind he would like to pay for the package. The man said O.K and told him it was 2/-. 10p in new money. He then put it in his car and drove off being a lot of fish better off but 2/- the poorer.
He said when he got home he, with his young wife examined the box. He was very pleased with what was in the box. He told me it was worth a lot more than what he had paid for but he felt good because he had paid for the fish.
He told me from that day onwards, every time he went on the Docks there was always a box of fish for him. He said to me that his wife was a little disappointed when he was promoted and moved away from Hull.
He then discussed fish in general but came the time when we had to talk about my rates. I said to him give me your hand and reduce my rates by £200. Oh dear he remarked my boss would kill me if I went back with a deal like that. I reminded him that he was leaving very soon and Boston would soon be no more. We shook hands on the deal. We then talked for about another 20 minutes or so. He then told us he really had to go but he had thoroughly enjoyed his visit . Both my Mother and I admitted that it had been a most enjoyable 90 minutes or so. He told us that he had never stayed so long at one place before and that he had 3 other properties to see. He grinned and said, they've no chance though.
After he had gone, my Mother was still in a sort of stupor. She just couldn't get over how open and honest he had been. She just couldn't believe all he had told us.
Anyway I had my rates reduced by £200. More soon.

Monday 17 January 2011


Just a short note, during the last three days it has been a lot warmer. I can never get myself to do anything if it is cold. On Friday I defrosted my fridge freezer. I must admit I did not feel too good after I had finished. I wonder if it was because I got very cold doing it. Never mind, IO now have a defrosted fridge freezer and should last for a couple of months.
On Saturday I cleaned the car, I think it is the first time since late October. It took me about 45 minutes but it certainly looked better.
Yesterday I did my washing and for the first time this year I managed to get almost all of it dry outside, it was the best day so far this year. The paths did dry a little, however late last night we had a little rain and today has been generally dull, also a little colder but we are now in the middle of January, the mornings will from now get noticaby lighter and the evenings are beginning to draw out. Let us hope that we do not get anymore bitterly cold days this year.
Another tale tomorrow.

Friday 14 January 2011

Part two

Now a little more about this guy.
As I told you, he started to call and see me fairly regular. When we were on our own he would tell me things he would not tell to the others. One day he told me that if he had his time over again he would be a gigolo. I started to laugh. He told me it was no joke, he was serious about it. He then told me that he and his wife led separate lives, he had 2 sons one about 18 the other about 15. He told me that he had very little contact with them although they lived in the same house. Another day he told me that he had decided not to go away he was going to run the dodgems at the seaside for the season. I immediately thought he wont make £500 in 2 months let alone £500 a week that he was used to.
The day came for him to start and he told me that he would not be seeing me for a while as he was going to overhaul the cars to make sure all were O.K.
It didn't take him that long and was soon seeing me again. Now the early season was upon us. He came in to see me regular quite often saying he had just been or had to go to the Bank. Well. one day I asked him why he was going to the Bank so regular. He told me that he was taking money to the bank. Oh my God I said, the Bank will be charging you a fortune. He looked at me in disbelief, he then stated what could he do as the money he was taking was small units. I told him that the charge would be more as the Bank charged for every item they handled. I could see he didn't really believe me so I told him to ask for a statement the next time he went to the Bank.
About a week later, he came in, his face was like thunder. I just told him that he had the statement then. Yes he told me then informed me he hadn't believed me. I said to him I would never lie and would do all I could to help him as this was his first business venture. He asked me what he could do. I said to him that he could go to all cafe's and restaurant's they, including me would take all the £ notes and 50p pieces. He should then bag the shot. the name for small change, then take it to the arcades I was sure they would take the change from him. He did that but during the height6 of the season I didn't have time to see anybody.
It was towards the end of the peak period that I heard someone discussing him and saying that his eldest Son had taken over the running of the dodgems. Unfortunately I never saw him again.
Now my best pal rung me up last night so I asked him if he could tell me what happened to him. My best pal told me that he had been to Venezuela just before the season. He then told me that in the height of the season, he called up to my pals kiosk and told him that his agent had asked him to go on a special job. He told me that from then on it was as if he had vanished. He told me that he and his wife had sent a Christmas Card to where they lived, he then told me that they did receive a card but it only had her name on it. So I suppose he finally decided to be a gigolo. He was a nice guy really. Still that is life.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Back to the man

Yes this is about the guy who my best pal picked up his car from Grantham.
My pal introduced me to him when he bought him in to my place. He seemed a pleasant enough guy and we got on well. In fact so well that he started to come in regular, generally just for a chat. He told me many things. The first thing was that he was hopeless with money. He told me that he had a good job and he recommissioned turbines. He told me that he would earn over £500 a week. I was astounded as this was in the mid 80s. A £100 a week was a great wage. Anyway, he told me that when he had finished his contract he would have some time off and when the money ran out, contact his agent and he would then be given another contract. He told me that he had a good agent. He told me that the worst job he ever had was out in the West Indies. Usually he just gets the turbines working and that is it. This however was different. He didn't know what it was all about. The turbine had not worked for some time and was solid fuel. It was a system that when working was crushing sugar cane and converting it into sugar. Well he went and looked at the job, the owner then told him how the process worked and he would have to train the workmen. He told me that he had never taught anyone in his life before.
He told me he thought about it a long time, studied how it all worked then set out a plan. He was introduced to about 10 workers, he took them to a classroom. Told them exactly how everything worked but it started with the fire. He told me that he used 3 Ts. That was Time Turbulence and Temperature. He explained that first you had to have time to get the fire started, then you had to build up turbulence and when you had this the temperature would rise and steam would be produced. The fuel which was used was spent sugar cane. I think they called it rafatia but don't quote me on that. Anyway he told me that after a week or so, things were working well and he told me he was about to leave as he had finished when the owner contacted him and informed him that there was a problem with the plant. He went to see what was wrong. He tried to think what it could be. Anyway he went to the site only to be greeted by one of the firemen in charge of the boiler. He asked him what was wrong. He then told me that the West Indian told him that the trouble was 4 Ts. He said 4 Ts? Yes came the reply time turbulence temperature and too much ratafia. I started to laugh at this. He rebuked me saying it was not a laughing matter as it meant that he was there for another week. What the fireman had done was just to put far too much spent sugar cane on the fire smothering it so that the fire almost went out. Hence no steam. I will continue with more of him tomorrow.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Something different

Yes this is something different to what I said I would write today but the rains in Australia in particular Brisbane has made me want to write just a little about Brisbane.
Anybody who reads this blog will recall that when I was playing golf, I used to play sometimes with a retired Airline Pilot. I did not like him as to me he was arrogant. He would occasionally talk about Brisbane and how he decided to buy a property in Brisbane. Pilots those days retired at 55. He was the sort of man who was never pleased with anything. To give some idea, he once was on about Pilots salaries. I told him that he would have a good pension which was index linked. He snorted that he didn't get anything like the money Pilots were receiving. I told him that surely he didn't expect to get the same as a working Pilot especially as he was having a life of leisure playing golf and having 2 free first class tickets to anywhere in the world each year.
Anyway some time before, he had told me that he and his wife had decided to buy a property in Brisbane with the intention of spending every winter there.
On the odd occasion he was talkative he once told me that the weather was unpredictable in Queensland. He told me that the thunderstorms could be very violent, hail stones as big as golf balls and rain that was torrential. He did tell me that on the odd occasion, some garages would have a special hail dented sale. He said that hail would hit the bonnets and roofs and damage them. He told me that he had bought a flat and that the garage was underneath the flats, therefore parking was underground. He lived in the winter from late November until mid February. At that time it was only possible to leave your pension for a maximum of 3 months then you lost any that was not claimed over three months. He told me shortly before I left the golf club through ill health. He had told the agent in Brisbane to sell the property as his wife, who was nice told him that firstly it was too far to travel to Australia and she wanted to see the grandchildren grow up. He told me that it was their intention to go west. To the USA I think Florida. He also told me, the first winter he had stayed in England for about 14 years that he had forgotten just how low the sun was in the winter.
What made me think of this story was the fact that the garage was underground. I wonder just how many other blocks of flats have garage space under the buildings.
Let us hope that soon the weather will improve as it is dreadful for all affected.
Now tomorrow I will tell you about the man who my best pal drove his car back with me in the snow.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Just a short one

The recent cold weather bought to mind this tale.

My best pal who at that time lived near to me, he knew this guy, who I will tell more of perhaps tomorrow. He had course to go to Grantham Railway Station and asked my friend if he could go and pick his car up. My pal asked me if I could take him, I told him that we would make a day of it, visit my Mother and have dinner too.

Well the day came, it was a clod January day, we travelled to Grantham, I took him to the Railway Station to get the car, I picked my Mother up, we went shopping then went to her house prepared a meal and had it. He knew my Mother well and we had a nice time.

Around 1.30pm, It started to rain, there was a little snow mixed. I said to him we had better get ready to go back. Well we set off and within 10 miles the rain had turned to snow. Another 10 miles and the roads were white all over. I had a Toyota 2 ltr and it was always hard to control in icy conditions.

We managed to get to the edge of the wolds, the snow was several inches deep, I turned round a sharp bend, applied too much accelerator and went into a hedge bottom. Luckily it was an old abandoned bungalow and no damage was done to my car, mid you the hedge looked a little worse for wear. I hadn't gone another 100 yards when approaching the main A16 junction, my pal lost control and hit a bollard. It was one of the modern ones, as soon as you hit them they just collapse. well we were now on the A16 and managed eventually get to my place. As soon as we stopped. my pal told me to get the kettle on. He was certainly shook up by the episode. While we were waiting for the kettle to boil he informed me that Dalby Hill was closed. I asked him how he knew and he told me that he had Radio Lincolnshire on. I grinned and told him that we had sailed up Dalby Hill. I then proceed to tell him where it was.

the following day, he came round and both of us inspected our vehicles. No damage done whatsoever. Mind you he did say he would never again take an undertaking like that in the winter. He also told me that if there was any sign of snow, I must not stay in Grantham a moment longer than necessary. I used to visit my Mother about once a week in the winter. More tomorrow.

Monday 10 January 2011

Improving weather

With the weather relenting rather than improving, I have begun to think of the coming season. I have always tried to get vegetables in early, that is when they are at the most expensive, hopefully I will be eating a few fresh vegetables out of my poly tunnel and greenhouse. On Saturday, I decided to set 3 dozen broad beans in modules and have them in my sitting room. hopefully they will all germinate. I intentionally set them early mainly because of black fly. Anyone who grows broad beans know that in late April onwards, black fly is a dreadful curse. If I am lucky, in mid June I will be eating broad beans, they will follow asparagus, that may be ready in late April or early May.
Today I went into the greenhouse and did a little preparation of the soil. It wanted watering as the soil was dry. I watered it and decided to sow 8 early potatoes in the soil. I have kept them from last year, they are called Arran Pilot. If all goes well, they should be ready to lift about 13 to 14 weeks after sowing. I will look after them as it is very early. They will be covered in February and early March if frosts are forecast.
By the way, when my Italian friend called last week, I just asked him to put me right on pruning the grape vine. I wish I hadn't asked, I told my friend to come with me so that he would know what to do. We were both none the wiser but I think I already knew what to do.
I think that some of the cauliflowers and cabbage plants survived in the poly tunnel. I will keep all updated. More soon.

Friday 7 January 2011

Making safe

To be honest, my friend is an excellent DIY man, he can turn his hand to almost anything.
Well he was, as I found out only a seasonal worker to start with. This meant that from the end of October, he was free. We had discussed making the premises safe. I first saw an Officer from the Council. I told him that I would at my expense put a secure breeze block rendered coating round the building. He then told me that fist I would have to apply to the Council for Planning Consent as I was altering the size of the building and secondly informed me that he would then charge me for doing the work. What a wanker I thought. Well I told my friend that all we would do was block the interior if he agreed. He thought that was a great idea. He worked out how many breeze blocks we needed, sand and cement. He went to a local Builders Merchant saw some rods about 1/2" thick, thought they would do for putting up at the windows. They were brilliant. He ordered 550 blocks. Unfortunately for me, the delivery man bought them late afternoon. remember this was November. I innocently said to him. "Just drop them inside and will sort them out". He informed me that all he did was just to drop them off at the nearest point.
Oh dear. 550 breeze blocks to shift and it was already way after 3.45pm. I started to get them inside. Fortunately for me a colleague was passing and we managed to get them inside the building by about 4.30. It was dark though.
My friend organised a cement mixer and the sand to be delivered. I think it was a ton of sand. I had to shovel it in off the grass. I was in my late 50s so I found it hard, but I managed.
My friend then fitted the bars over the windows ready for the blocks to cover the ends.
I told you yesterday that improvements were being done at the car park. It was a private contractor who had the job. Well I told them that when they were ready for a tea break, just come over and a free cuppa would be available. This went on for a few days while my friend was getting the base sorted. Well the owner came one day and saw what we were doing. Told us that he had a load of ties and he would bring them to us. true to his word, the next day he did bring them so now my friend started. I would get the mixer working and my friend would then lay the blocks using the ties to fix them to the building. He worked well and within a few days had the interior completed. There was no rush but we then went again to several Builders Merchants to get a work surface. It had to be so long, he organised everything. He then designed the base and side to make a counter. He bought some fascia to use at the front and wood also. Now the contractor came in handy. We asked if they had a generator. Of course they had. great, so we had power to use tools. To cut a long story short my friend also had the use of a sthill saw. He used that to cut some slabs. It was a grand time but unfortunately cold.
The Council started to mess them about as Councils do. There was a man who was Site Manager. At first he was rather a curt guy but after a few weeks started to loosen up. He would come and tell us all the alterations and stoppages . One was, the work had to be put on hold because of the hibernating badgers.
the final straw was in about March the following year. He finally blew his top. He came in to see us face like thunder. "Do you know the latest thing" he said. "They want us to put some paving slabs on the slope at the entrance to the car park so that the common lizards could sunbathe. I told them, they are called common lizards because they are F*****g common." He then said the official told him that it made no difference because the decision had been made. Also that they had to get a 56lb sack of Johnson's special seed to scatter over the block paving so that grasses would grow.
He was given a date to sow the seed. It was blowing a gale that day and 90% of the seed was just blown out to sea. He just said it was typical Council policy, no sense at all but do it by the book.
My friend then rendered the interior of the property walls and fixed the counter. We used every breeze block so had no waste at all. It looked great and it is still looking good after all this time. I think we did this in 1994/5 I think. To be honest we had a most enjoyable winter doing the work it was a pity it was not warmer. We all got on grat together. More soon.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Friend called

It is typical, my friend calls every 2 or 3 weeks. I have another Italian friend who will call occasionally. You can guarantee that he will come to see me the same day as my friend. It was so today. It was nice to see him though.
My Friend comes and brings me things that I ask him to, does any odd jobs that I need doing, stays for dinner and if I have any veg spare I will give him some.
Today was really no different only that we began to talk about work at the Car Park and Kiosk where I had my last business.
It was always getting broken into so when I really got to know him we suggested, well he was far more handy and knew what was required. Incidentally, there was a man who was responsible for authorising repairs to any Council property. A handy man to know. He was one year younger than me and had been working for the Council for just a year. He told me that he had been a site foreman in charge of many contractors. My friend listened to this, as he was thinking about having a new wall round his bungalow, asked him if he knew of anybody who was a bricklayer. He told him that he could do the work for him. Eventually went to see my friend, told him that about 800 bricks would be plenty. My friend ordered 3 pallets about 900 bricks. Well by now the late spring had turned into early summer. My friend would call at Quick Save and bring bits and bobs for me. He then started to talk about the building of the wall, or to be more precise, the lack of building. As the weeks went on, I could tell as soon as I saw him if any progress had been made. He told me that every time he came to do some work, he would ask his mother for some paracetamols as he had a headache. Eventually my friend noticed that the pile of bricks was going down but the wall was not growing at the same rate. He investigated and noticed that each brick that was cut in half, the remainder was discarded, with I might add lots of cement, as he would make a load of mortar up but only lay perhaps a dozen bricks then sling the rest of the mortar away. My friend had then to order another pallet of bricks. I had been warned. It took him about 4 months to do a weks job.
When the repair man found out that I was considering work on the building to make it secure, he told me that he would be willing to help me. When I told my friend, he said no way at all.
Anyway he told me that we would do the work together during the winter months. Incidentally there was going to be improvements going ahead on the Car Park. As it happened this worked out in our favour.
I think tomorrow I will tell you about making the premises safer.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

A New Year

Well 2011 is now upon us all and I wish those who read this blog A Great Year.
Mine has started as it ended really. Dental problems, mind you, I must say this. It happened this afternoon. The phone rang and when I answered I was surprised as it was my Diabetic Nurse. She rung up to see if I was alright. I was taken aback somewhat and asked why the call. She then told me that she had just found my latest blood tests taken in November. I told her it was the end of November. I like to see the same Nurse as she will check my blood pressure. I then informed her that my medication had increased for hypertension but it would be at least another fortnight before I had it checked again. She accepted this, asked a few cursory questions then told me she would keep in touch. I was surprised that she had taken such an interest in my health.
Anyway back to my teeth. I had an appointment early this morning. A couple of things happened that made me smile. The first was when I took a seat, sitting next to me was a man reading a magazine. A few minutes later his wife. I guess appeared and told him that the Dentist had not taken any teeth out and would not, as he was leaving the practice to go back to Oxford. This was where he lived. Her husband's face went dark. He was not amused. She then explained the the Dentist said it was not fair to start a treatment only for another Dentist to finish the treatment off. I could see the logic, he I think did not. Soon after another couple came by, the man had a sort of walking aid they were going to another part of the Medical Centre. I then heard a woman shout to a very young child that he could not go outside to be with Grandad as he was having a Fag. The couple then reappeared. He stopped and immediately she told him he could not stop there, as she approached me she then told him that she could talk and walk at the same time. Giving me a grin, I then said to her "You are a multi tasker then". Answering me she just told me that she had to be. Almost immediately I was called in. I told my Dental Surgeon that I wished for his advice ad my front tooth had broken again. I suggested that it would be best if I had another complete top and lower set of dentures with the 2 spaces filled. He surprised me as he readily agreed with me. He then told me that the system would be as normal. Several fittings of dentures after impressions were made then the final thing was the extraction and new dentures fitted immediately. He then took the first impression. I now go again on the 120th. January. I will keep all informed.