Monday 31 January 2011

This and that

I have been watching the uprising of Egypt on Aljazeera. A satellite channel which I find the most informative there is. Anyway while I was watching the live pictures, a motor cycle went by a roadside check. I didn't take a lot of notice but thought it looked odd so I used the play back system. It took a lot of believing, the man was driving the motorcycle, which was only a 2 wheeler. In front of him, was a boy of about 8 it looked as if he was sitting on the petrol tank, on the pillion was a woman but in front of her was a young child about 4. Needless to say, not a safety helmet in sight. The last time I saw anything like that was in India.
Now to something different. My American friend blog bought this story to mind.
As most will know, I used to have blood tests every fortnight, then every month now thank goodness every 3 months. Well this was I think when I was on the 2 monthly blood test. I went to the Surgery and sat next to this man, just a little younger than me, we made just light conversation. This man came to sit next to me, he was as I could see full of arthritis and his hands were swollen. To my surprise this other man knew him and enquired as to whether he had got his harvest in and the ground ready for winter. The fellow said he had. The first guy then said to him that he had never seen him in here before and it was not like him. At this, I suggested that I swap seats so that they could converse better. Both would not have it so I just said I would be all ears then. Now this farmer then said this."I've come in to see the Doctor because I wrote a cheque to this firm, about a week later I had a letter from the Bank Manager telling me to make an appointment to see him as soon as possible. I went to see him and he showed me the cheque and told me he could not cash it. I asked him why? He told me to look at the signature, that is not your signature. I then told him that I could not hold a pen properly, look at my hands." They were definitely swollen. He then said the Bank Manager told him that he must arrange something as he was not prepared to order payments with that signature. Then he said, "Mind you, I have no worries, my Daughters husband went for a check up. I think it was one that was offered free when you were 45. Anyway the Surgery wrote to him and told him to make an appointment as soon as possible. He went to see the Doctor and was informed that he had prostate cancer. We both said in unison, that is very bad news. He then started to say that the Doctor had told him that an appointment had been made to attend hospital, and not to worry as not all cancers of the prostate are terminal. At that I was called in to have my blood tested. I did say to her, "Can you get the next one as we are busy talking" she laughed and told me to come on. She didn't realise that I had meant it. She told me after that had she known, she would have called the next one in so that we could finish our talk. Sorry it is left in limbo, but it is funny what you hear in the surgery sometimes. More soon.

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