Wednesday 12 January 2011

Something different

Yes this is something different to what I said I would write today but the rains in Australia in particular Brisbane has made me want to write just a little about Brisbane.
Anybody who reads this blog will recall that when I was playing golf, I used to play sometimes with a retired Airline Pilot. I did not like him as to me he was arrogant. He would occasionally talk about Brisbane and how he decided to buy a property in Brisbane. Pilots those days retired at 55. He was the sort of man who was never pleased with anything. To give some idea, he once was on about Pilots salaries. I told him that he would have a good pension which was index linked. He snorted that he didn't get anything like the money Pilots were receiving. I told him that surely he didn't expect to get the same as a working Pilot especially as he was having a life of leisure playing golf and having 2 free first class tickets to anywhere in the world each year.
Anyway some time before, he had told me that he and his wife had decided to buy a property in Brisbane with the intention of spending every winter there.
On the odd occasion he was talkative he once told me that the weather was unpredictable in Queensland. He told me that the thunderstorms could be very violent, hail stones as big as golf balls and rain that was torrential. He did tell me that on the odd occasion, some garages would have a special hail dented sale. He said that hail would hit the bonnets and roofs and damage them. He told me that he had bought a flat and that the garage was underneath the flats, therefore parking was underground. He lived in the winter from late November until mid February. At that time it was only possible to leave your pension for a maximum of 3 months then you lost any that was not claimed over three months. He told me shortly before I left the golf club through ill health. He had told the agent in Brisbane to sell the property as his wife, who was nice told him that firstly it was too far to travel to Australia and she wanted to see the grandchildren grow up. He told me that it was their intention to go west. To the USA I think Florida. He also told me, the first winter he had stayed in England for about 14 years that he had forgotten just how low the sun was in the winter.
What made me think of this story was the fact that the garage was underground. I wonder just how many other blocks of flats have garage space under the buildings.
Let us hope that soon the weather will improve as it is dreadful for all affected.
Now tomorrow I will tell you about the man who my best pal drove his car back with me in the snow.

1 comment:

  1. OK then, we won't pursue a Breach of Contract suit against you for changing the subject of the post today!

    Your pilot sounds a bit - er, arrogant? foolhardy? impetuous?

    Complaining about his pension and then Brisbane until his wife tells him it's a silly idea. Did they eventually get to Florida? And was that after the grand children had grown up, or what?

    Either way he sounds like a bit of a character! Thanks for 'introducing' us.
