Thursday 27 June 2013


These are photos I took over the last couple of days.
 The first are of petunias. These were supplied to me as plug plants, to be honest there are a few that have dual colours on them. I was pleasantly surprised.
The second is of the many coloured flowers I have. Quite a lot of them are aquelegias. The bees, what we see anyway are busy collecting nectar from them so this makes me happy.
 It was a story of David Copperfield on Radio 4 extra that sparked this.
David Copperfield was stating that his Guardian had made a toasting fork. I wonder how many under the age of 40 have ever used a toasting fork? We had one and was used regular. Toast was a favourite way of using up stale bread. Every one had an open fire, one with a fire grate so in the cooler months when a fire was lit, toast would be had regular.
 My mate came to see me yesterday and he told me that he had made one. I told him that my Uncle had made ours. It was a basic steel model with a couple of prongs. My mate had made a far better quality one. This didn't surprise me as he is very good at DIY. He did say that often the bread would fall off and onto the fire. It would have to be hurriedly picked up and if it had been burnt, then a knife would scrape off the excess burnt bread. I also reminded him that often the toast had a smokey taste but it was much better than having to eat stale bread.
 Personally I preferred to have toast done the old fashioned way over the coal fire than the modern way of an electric toaster. I guess I am just an old man who is set in his ways. More soon.

Tuesday 25 June 2013


These last few days have not been the best for producing solar power but things will generally equal itself over a year.
 I noticed in the local newspaper an advert stating that a 4kw. system would be fitted for a cost of less than £6000. My best Pal who gave me this paper, his Son paid £16000 for the same size system. He did get a better tariff than what is paid now but pro rata is within the odd percentage point. The main difference is that it is guaranteed for 20 years instead of 25. I will certainly not live to see my guarantee through.
 I mentioned it to 3 people, my mate who has a partner, although we don't see eye to eye. I would never do anything against her and I told him that I thought it was a good price. He readily agreed with me and so set the wheels in motion to do some research.
 I told the other 2 but the first one said that they were very interested but they were having an extension built.
 The third one was interested. I suggested that they get a no obligation survey done. A few days later I asked him what was happening. I was a little disappointed at the reply. He told me that although it was a good deal, his Wife was talking about a replacement car so he didn't want to leave himself short of money.
 He had told me prior that he had a fridge and a freezer. This alone would cost him in the region of £350 a year, saving him at least half with the electricity he would save. I also tried to work out how much the cost of another car. Depreciation over 3 years plus the cost of excise duty motor insurance, servicing and of course the cost of fuel would cost a lot more than the initial cost of fitting solar panels. There would also be savings on electricity and the return on solar generated.  I guess |i have wasted my time, I will never tell anyone else as I think most are not aware of the financial advantages that are available.
 Finally I am sure my mate will tell his partner the advantages and will be surprised and disappointed if she does not proceed with the installation of solar panels. More soon.

Thursday 20 June 2013

What a journey

Yesterday I had to go to Grantham for my annual eye test. I always go there because I have the same optician testing my eyes.
 My appointment was for I expected there would be a little delay because of what is commonly called the School Run.
 I didn't expect the amount of traffic I encountered. I hit trouble about 4 miles out of Grantham and from then it was nose to tail with the traffic moving at a snails pace. Needless to say I was a little late for my appointment but to be honest I was seen to almost immediately. When I saw the optician I told him that the traffic had been the worst I have ever seen it, he then informed me that there had been an accident on the main A1 and it has caused havoc. Some of the young ladies working there had not arrived and were still stuck in traffic on the A1.
 Anyway the examination went well ans surprisingly  enough he told me that for this time nothing was needed and that things would be left for another year but if I had any problems contact him immediately.
 We shook hands and off I went to the Supermarket. I was disappointed because there was no skimmed milk, on asking a supervisor about the milk situation I was informed that they were waiting for a delivery. I bought a few other things then went to fill up with fuel and off to see my Sisters.
 It was there that I got the information that the A1 was closed in both directions and that there had been an accident at Claypole. I didn't say anything about it but Claypole bought back memories.
I eventually left and made my way home, it was not until Look North came on at 6.30pm. that the news came on and it was that 2 people had died in the crash at Claypole. I then thought of the time I was on the Railway and this accident happened.
 We had a job that entailed travelling in the compartment to York, relieving a crew from Newcastle and taking a train of empty coaching stock to Grantham where we would get relieved and a London crew would take the stock to it's final destination.
As we waited on York Station I notice a Driver who was hanging around, I asked him what he was doing and he told me he was learning the road form York to Grantham. That is learning where the signals and signal boxes are. I asked him if he would like to travel with us back to Grantham. He looked at me and told me he was not prepared to stand all the way . I told him he could have my seat and I would stand, it was only about 2 hours maximum anyway.
 He said that he would accept my offer so when the train arrived we all got on.
 Everything went smoothly until we came to Claypole, I was standing directly behind my Driver and we noticed some flame suddenly appear from nowhere. We both thought that someone had lit a coal fire to boil a kettle of water. How wrong we were.
 We arrived at Grantham and was shunted to the slow road and then thought we would be waiting for our relief.
 To my surprise I heard a voice, it was the Loco Foreman and his words were. "Do you know you've killed somebody at Claypole?" We then realised that the flame was not a fire for boiling a kettle but it had been a motor cycle that had obviously ignited.
 What had apparently happened is that a man with a motor bike had decided to go through a crossing, there were many of these. They were not level crossings but a crossing for people and cycles. The gates were sprung so that you could open them but if you let them go they would immediately shut.
It was obvious that he didn't notice us at all.
What happened then was the steam engine was unhooked from the train, taken to the loco where I had to empty the firebox and get it ready for a place of safety. There it would be left until the Board of Trade examiner had inspected the engine.
 Needless to say there was a Coroners Inquest which we both attended but no blame whatsoever was attached to us at all.
 It is funny how it bought it all back to me and this happened well over 50 years ago. More soon.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Like old times

I just could not let this opportunity go by. It was a brief sunny spell this morning when I saw the Peacock butterfly on a Scabious flower. It just ignored me completely. In fact I went in and got my camera and managed to get this photo. Unfortunately the sun was so bright that I could not see in the view finder where exactly I had the camera pointed. Just as well I took a couple of snaps, naturally this was the best. Just as well I took the photo when I did because a little later in the day it turned out very dull and cool, also a little rain too. By the way the red flowers are Geum Mrs. Bradshaw. The yellow flower is a Rose, beautifully scented but unfortunately have no idea what it is called. Next door gave me a cutting a few years ago.
As I went to get my State Pension this morning, something happened that bought back memories of old times.
 I had only travelled about 1000 metres when I saw a herd of cattle sauntering along the main road. At the head was a guy using a mobile phone. I stopped and waited for the cattle to pass by. I found it a little uncomfortable, stupid of me really as many years ago I always fed the cattle on Christmas Day together with my ex Brother-in Law. It made sure that the staff had Christmas Day off and I liked it. I guess this is now because I am getting older and feel a little less confident.
  The cattle were being transferred from one field to another, this used to be a regular occurrence years ago but this was the first time in several years. I guess there were about 80 cattle and funnily enough no other traffic was waiting behind me but there was a queue of traffic coming the other way. The whole operation took  a little less than 5 minutes. What surprised me was the lazy way the cattle moved, just a stroll really.
 Now tomorrow I go to have my eyes tested, more expense. Mind you, they did ring me up to confirm that I would be there at the appointed time. More soon.

Monday 17 June 2013

As you were

This morning I had to go to my local Surgery for blood tests and other things.
 As I parked I saw an old golfing colleague who was parked next to me. He then told me what had happened. He had gone to the Surgery to book an appointment with one of the G.Ps. only to be told that all the slots had been fully booked up for today. I told him that I as far as I knew one had to ring the receptionist for an appointment and a G.P would contact the person. He told me that this system had been scrapped as something had gone wrong. To be honest it seemed as if the system was still not working if it was not possible to make an appointment that day after going to the Surgery.
 After talking about golf in general, I reminded him that the most enjoyable golf contest I had played was with him and his Son. Incidentally his Son won a European tournament but unfortunately had to retire from professional golf because of a back injury. He then went to Hoylake area to become a Club professional. I was then told that he and his wife were going to see him this week end. I told him to give him my regards. I got on very well with both him and his Son.
Eventually I booked in for my blood test, a few minutes late but no matter. I was ushered in to Sally, my usual Nurse who takes my B.P. and blood test. I immediately noticed that she had lost quite a lot of weight and remarked on it. She told me that it was because of family problems. I didn't wish to pry so didn't press her further. She told me also that her Husband was none too well. She had made him go to a G.P with breathing problems. It turns out that he will have to have a stent fitted so she is a little worried about him too.
 Turning to other things she told me that once more she was going to go ahead with another litter of Poodle puppies so that will keep her occupied.
 Turning to the garden she told me that she had bought off the web a black grape that was seedless. I didn't ask if there were white grapes too that were seedless. I haven't gone online either to see but my mate would love a seedless white grape. Incidentally the black grape is a desert grape so should be nice and sweet. Next time I go will be in September so I will ask her if all is well with the grapes. More soon.

Friday 14 June 2013


I thought I would take a photo of where I ran, well trotted quickly. I hope one will be able to zoom in for if you can, you will see a for sale sign and that is where I managed to catch the wagon collecting the domestic waste. I don't think I exaggerated the distance I had to cover. Note that there is no footpath at all so one has to be careful as it is the main A52 so is quite busy at times.
This is a photo of a few flowers in my garden. Both photos were taken this morning. The one showing the road was taken around 8.00am. the other a little later before we had some rain and thunder. I will admit that although it is not good for my solar production, the rain is most welcome.
 I managed to finish off my painting in the sitting room. Tomorrow I will give it a good hoover and that hopefully will suffice, painting and decorating again for a couple of years. I may have a week end off cleaning. More soon.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Definitely mad

This morning I got up and put out my garden waste bin. I did this early because my Mate called yesterday and I asked him if he could take away a bulky item as I wished to do a little decorating. This he did and I am truly grateful.
 Anyway I decided to start the decorating in my sitting room.
 I decided to alter a colour on one of the walls so I had to give it 3 coats.
 Around 10.30am. I decided to have a quick break and get a drink. Earlier I had prepared my vegetables for my mid day meal so had nothing to bother about. After 10 or so minutes I carried on my decorating.
 It was about 11.45am. when I remembered I hadn't put any fresh mint in my new potatoes so I hurried outside to pick a sprig. I suddenly heard a lorry. I knew what this was it was the domestic waste collection. I dashed back inside and got hold of my bag, a supermarket bag, it was not really full. I dashed out the front only to see the wagon trundling up the road. About 80 metres up the road are 3 more properties so I decided to run(well trot really) after the wagon. I just about made it and waved to the men that I had my waste. One guy told me not to worry and I should have left it until the next visit. Not me though, I was in a state of collapse gasping for breath and walking back to my bungalow was puffing and panting like mad. I was still severely out of breath when I got back.
 It was then that I noticed I had left the front door open, also the back door too.
 Thank goodness my Mate had bought me some fly spray as the odd fly had decided to make my home their home. Not for long though.
 Anyway after resting for a few minutes I finished my decorating. At least it looks cleaner.
 I had originally though I would take a photo of my domestic waste as I am proud that even with my medication I manage to fit it all in a supermarket bag. Incidentally I asked the collectors ages ago if it was alright if I just put my bag out instead of putting my domestic waste bin out. The indicated that this was fine and it suited them as it was so easy to pick up a bag and sling in to the wagon.
Where was I? Talk about growing old gracefully I must be mad. More soon.

Monday 10 June 2013

More quirky things

As I was bought up to clean my shoes whenever I went out I still do this even though I am in the latter stages of my life.
 I went to the Bank this morning. Incidentally it was cold the temperature being 11c. I am waiting for the weather to change because here in many parts of Lincolnshire it has been dreadful weather with little or no sun and a biting wind off the cold North Sea.
 I did, of course clean my shoes. I never wear trainers, sneakers I think they are called in the USA. So people who wear trainers will probably never polish their trainers at all for they do not need any polish. I still have several pairs of shoes that I have never worn but like most folks, I have preferred shoes, the ones that are most comfortable.
 the family next door, who have the chickens told me that they will be building an extension soon. This won't bother me at all but the other side, they too are going to build an extension and this will affect me. It seems as if they are also going to concrete some of their back yard and park their cars out there. At the moment they have 3 cars and a campavan. they also have their Son's mate call regular and he too has a car so I guess it will be like a small garage when it is all completed.
 My New potatoes are somewhat disappointing as most of the tubers are producing only 3 or so potatoes. These are Arran Pilot, which I have always found to be very reliable, the other sets that I planted are Pentland Javelin. Although I haven't lifted any up yet, I have noticed that some are beginning to show so I have just covered them up. I feel confident that they will crop much better.
 This week I have nothing on much but next week I have a full Diary. On Monday I have to go to the local Surgery for blood tests. On Wednesday I go to have my eyes tested. I go to Grantham as I like the guy who tests my eyes. I have had him test my eyes for probably the last 6 of 8 eye tests. I just ask for him now and it is granted.
 On Friday I have to have my eyes examined. This is because I have diabetes and they photo your eyes to see that you have nothing serious with them. This is to pick up anything out of the ordinary. I get recalled each year as I do for my eye test at Grantham.
 By the way, as I am getting older and more forgetful I check my spelling. I thought for a moment I had no mistakes at allbut my computer is sorking very slow so it took a while for the mistakes to be highlighted and I was feeling pleased with myself. That will teach me. More soon.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

I wonder

I wonder if it just me that has this way.
 I was always bought up that when we went out, not to play but to go out visiting we would always dress up in fine clean clothes. When we got back home, immediately we would change back into our every day wear.
 this is what happens every time I go out somewhere. I went out to see my colleague who took over my Business.
 I didn't immediately go I killed several birds with one stone. I first went to collect my State Pension, called in the Newsagents for my T.V. paper then went over the road to the local Supermarket to get some skimmed milk. For the second week running they didn't have any 2ltrs of milk. As I was going to see my friend in Mablethorpe I thought I would call at the Co-op where incidentally they had plenty. 4  pints too instead of litres. What's more a lot cheaper than where I used to go.
 I had earlier picked some strawberries, just enough for the couple. I knew they would be surprised and pleased that I had called and also be grateful for a taste of fruit.
 I arrived at the car park a little before only to find the place in darkness. I decided to wait for a while and about 10.20am. they duly arrived.
I was sad to learn that they had been the victims of a break in but as it happened, no damage was done inside and just the usual things were taken, confectionery and pop. He place is fairly secured but he has decided to put a solid steel sheet over where the window was. Now we hope that it will deter the vandals.
 It wasn't the only thing that was vandalised. The Pay and Dsplay machine was broken in to, but all the Council seem to have done is put a cover on it so it is out of use.
 It was a sunny morning but very windy, not too cold though.
 I finally managed to get home just before Noon and the sun was still shining but the wind seemed to get stronger. I put on the T.V to see the local weather, as usual the young man got it wrong, saying it would stay sunny until l;ate evening but be breezy along the coast. By 3.00pm. the clouds had rolled in and it was the last of the sun. We are now told that this will be the weather for the next few days. What a pity as today and yesterday were the first 2 days my Central Heating has not cut in. I expect it to be on once more in the morning. More soon.

Monday 3 June 2013

Sudden change

On Friday the weatherman said it was going to be a lovely day on Saturday. As usual the weather was dull and cold but it did brighten up at around 3.30pm. It then gradually became sunnier and towards 5.00pm. it was lovely. However it went dull soon after 6.00pm. and I expected the weather to be poor on Sunday.
 None of it, the day dawned without a cloud in the sky and it stayed like that until 8.30am. Then the clouds rolled in but we did get a little sun. Towards early afternoon the clouds rolled away and the sun shone. It was great to see the sun and I guess the fruit did too. Well the strawberries certainly did. I managed to pick enough for a meal on Sunday and today there was enough and some foe tomorrow too.
 My broad beans, although in flower have shot up these last 3 days to something like they should be. The fly in the ointment is the Hawthorn trees at the bottom of the garden. If I pick one seedling I must have picked 100. They just seem to grow all over. I guess it is the birds eating the berries and spreading the seeds with their droppings.
 I thought my Asparagus had finished completely but on looking today I could see that I could well get a few more feeds off the bed. I keep expecting the worst each year as I have had them for about 19 years and they say you can crop off them for 20 years. We shall see.
 I am managing to get a boiling of new potatoes each day now so with a bit of luck will not be buying any more until the late summer.
 I plan to go tomorrow to see the Guy who took over my old Business. He keeps in touch with me. If I can, I want to take him and his wife a taste of strawberries out of my polytunnel. They will appreciate them. Last year I took them a taste of runner beans. It was a bad year for them but managed to take a bag of them. His eyes lit up when I gave them to him. He explained that he didn't have time to grow any so was looking forward to a meal.
By the way, it is supposed to be quite nice all the week except Wednesday when it may be dull along the East Coast.
 I saw on T.V earlier today that Central Europe have had severe flooding. Germany and Czech Republic are worst affected. It seems as if the weather worldwide is in something of a turmoil.
Finally, I wonder if this find of Shale Gas will benefit us.Will theFracking will do us any good? If the same happens to that as happened to the North Sea Gas, then it is Heaven help us for it will be frittered away. More soon.