Tuesday 11 January 2011

Just a short one

The recent cold weather bought to mind this tale.

My best pal who at that time lived near to me, he knew this guy, who I will tell more of perhaps tomorrow. He had course to go to Grantham Railway Station and asked my friend if he could go and pick his car up. My pal asked me if I could take him, I told him that we would make a day of it, visit my Mother and have dinner too.

Well the day came, it was a clod January day, we travelled to Grantham, I took him to the Railway Station to get the car, I picked my Mother up, we went shopping then went to her house prepared a meal and had it. He knew my Mother well and we had a nice time.

Around 1.30pm, It started to rain, there was a little snow mixed. I said to him we had better get ready to go back. Well we set off and within 10 miles the rain had turned to snow. Another 10 miles and the roads were white all over. I had a Toyota 2 ltr and it was always hard to control in icy conditions.

We managed to get to the edge of the wolds, the snow was several inches deep, I turned round a sharp bend, applied too much accelerator and went into a hedge bottom. Luckily it was an old abandoned bungalow and no damage was done to my car, mid you the hedge looked a little worse for wear. I hadn't gone another 100 yards when approaching the main A16 junction, my pal lost control and hit a bollard. It was one of the modern ones, as soon as you hit them they just collapse. well we were now on the A16 and managed eventually get to my place. As soon as we stopped. my pal told me to get the kettle on. He was certainly shook up by the episode. While we were waiting for the kettle to boil he informed me that Dalby Hill was closed. I asked him how he knew and he told me that he had Radio Lincolnshire on. I grinned and told him that we had sailed up Dalby Hill. I then proceed to tell him where it was.

the following day, he came round and both of us inspected our vehicles. No damage done whatsoever. Mind you he did say he would never again take an undertaking like that in the winter. He also told me that if there was any sign of snow, I must not stay in Grantham a moment longer than necessary. I used to visit my Mother about once a week in the winter. More tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha!

    You 'southern chaps' and snow - you want to try it around here!

    Seriously though, it's not funny when you lose control of your car.

    Glad there was no real damage.
