Thursday 28 July 2011

Age beginning to show

I don't like admitting this, but the other day I was watching some news and they were reporting that several apple shops in China had been closed down for selling fake apples. Like an idiot, I naturally thought of eating and cooking apples. I thought how can anyone be fooled by selling fruit that is fake? However the next day, it showed a store that was reportedly selling fake apples. It turned out to be a Apple I pod and I tunes etc. I did feel a fool.
My friend though made me feel a little better. He came round to tell me he was going back home but would be back in a few weeks time. He then said that he felt as if the world was passing him by. He told me that although he was a Grammar School boy he had no idea how this modern technology works. I told him that I was just the same.
He made me laugh though a little later. He told me his wife had asked him what the swallows were doing on the telephone wires. He told her they were getting ready to leave. I asked him leaving where? He said they were ready to migrate. I told him that almost certainly they were young birds just learning the ropes. He admitted that there was a nest that had young in. He then started to say a rhyme. He told me that he could only remember a little of it but he said " I July I fly in August I must". I told him that the ryhme referred to the cuckoo. He laughed and knew he had got his facts wrong. I told him the the swallows would not leave here until September. He of course concurred. So this made me feel just a little bit better. I guess my best pal and I are getting old gracefully. Mind you we are like children when we get together. I say it is our second childhood. May we have lots of those days. More soon.

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