Wednesday 20 July 2011


I think I have mentioned it but my best pal is staying at a local caravan park very close to me so he visits me fairly regular.
The other day he came to see me. As all who bother to read my blog know what trouble I have with my teeth. They are very very poor fitting.
The doorbell rang and I went to let him in. As he came through I stared to make him a pot of tea and was talking to him. I know that my teeth at times are worse than other times. This was one of those bad times. He started to grin and told me he couldn't understand me. I told him that it was my sodding teeth. He started to laugh, he said he thought it was his hearing. To be honest, when we get together I really think we are going back to our second childhood.
Mind you, I told him that there was nothing wrong with us. The reason being.
When I was at Lydl I saw the old Manager of the Bookmakers next door to the Restaurant I ran.
We always got on well together but he left under a bit of a cloud.
When I started playing golf, I met him again on the course. I had several rounds of golf with him. Eventually I improved and he got worse so he left the club. I used to see him occasionally riding his bicycle. He was a fit guy and was around 5 years older than me.
Well a shout came at Lydy. Yes it was he, We shook hands and the first thing he told me was that he thought I had left. Meaning I had left this world. I asked about his wife, who I think has arthritis and could hardly walk. He said was was getting worse. He then told me that he had a bag on his side and also cancer and pointing to his chest. He then showed me 4 bottles of whisky. He told me that he mustn,t let his wife see it. I told him I hoped all went well and we both went on our way.
My best pal remarked that so many of his friends that he played cricket with had died. I told him we must change the subject. Luckily the doorbell rang and it was his wife so we did more listening than talking. More soon.

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