Tuesday 28 June 2011

What a difference

These photos are of the polytunnel. Taken about 3 days ago, since taking these photos, I have cut the cauliflower. The french beans are also coming on nicely. The other photo shows a few beetroot and a few of the cabbages that my postman friend gave me.

I seem to have lost the other photo of my tomatoes in the greenhouse, I will re post it tomorrow. As you can see, my grapes are coming along nicely.

Today has been totally different. What a difference a day makes!. This morning it was still a little sultry, at about 8.00am we had rain and thunder, this only lasted for about 30 minutes
and after the thunder and rain it seemed to cool down. It was dull and dark, I went to see if I could pick a few cherries but the rain meant that I would get wet, so I decided to leave them on for another day. I wish to give my neighbour some cherries.

I went for my Pension and bought a few things, had my dinner and soon after we had another shower. I decided to transplant the wallflowers that I had set in May time. They were beginning to bud, anyway I though as it was dull and damp, it would be ideal to plant them out. 18 of them in all. By the way, a few days ago I did set the final few seed I had saved. As it happened. I had only just watered them in when there was again a little thunder and then the heavens opened up. We had about 30 minutes of heavy rain, well that certainly will have helped them to get settled in. Let us hope that all will survive.

By the way, the only runner beanlet that was not damaged by the hailstorm has had to be picked, it was ready. about a foot long. With a bit of luck, in about 4 days I should have my first meal of runner beans this season. I also have a small marrow, perhaps I will take a photo of that tomorrow and post that with a shot of my below par tomatoes. More soon.

1 comment:

  1. grapes = wine

    tomatoes = chutney

    All you'll need then is bread and a few olives.
