Thursday 20 August 2015


While I was offline, one day I decided to go to the Kiosk to see the guy who took over from me. When I arrived at the Car Park I noticed a different vehicle. This made me think that he had done as I suggested and retired.
Anyway I parked up and went to the Kiosk which is a lot more of a Café and Fancy Goods place to where an elderly gentleman was taking out the tables and chairs to the outside area. I asked him if the man had retired. He informed me that his Daughter had taken over the business and his Daughter had known this man's Daughter so asked her if she would run it for a Season. He was then roped in to run the place. He told me he had retired and that it was 7 days a week for 6 months and 70 hours a week. I then let him know that I had sold the Business to the previous guy and knew what it was all about. I then told him that it hadn't been a good year so far. He agreed and admitted that July had been a washout. Not that this month has been a lot better.
 We got talking and I said to him that there was no way they could earn anything like the money they were on. Her Partner was on the Council and I think was in overall control earning in excess of £100.000 a year and She had a job also in the Council in charge of fitness suite's and was earning well over £50.000 a year. What they could earn up there would be nowhere near  the Salary of the Female. He readily agreed but I was happy that Bill the man I sold it to had finally decided to retire. I think he was 67 and not in the best of health.
 I had taken a taste of fresh runner beans to give to Bill had he been there so what I did was offer them to this new guy. He told me he would be thrilled to have them. I know how one feels because it is all bed and work for at least 3 months.
 This afternoon the young man from next door came round. He asked me if I could get him some more grapes, he loves them, also asked me if I could let him have some plum tomatoes as he likes them a lot better than the cherry tomatoes(gardeners delight) he has loads in the greenhouse next door and he is in charge of them. I asked him if he would like an onion, well a shallot really, of course he said he would so I picked a couple of the largest shallots. He then went into the polytunnel to check to see if there were any alpine strawberries, sure enough there were a few. He did comment how well they had done. He then told me that those next door would love some runner beans at the week end.
 I then took his shallots and peeled them for him and put them in a bag. He then added his couple of plum tomatoes saying that he wanted them to smell oniony as he loves onions.
 Finally I had a call from SSE. I asked if it was the same person who had rung up yesterday she concurred so immediately thanked her for getting me online so quickly. She told me she was puzzled because she had rung me to inform me that she had sent a replacement router by courier to get here today so couldn't believe that I had a connection. I did say to her that although I had a connection it was not great and was less than 2 megabits but at least I had contact with the rest of the world once more.
 She told me that she was not there tomorrow but would contact me on Saturday to see how things were.
 Later this afternoon I had a delivery by Hermes with a router and all cables etc. So now I will await her phone call on Saturday morning.
 More soon.

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