Wednesday 26 August 2015

Some photos

The gap shown is where we managed to cut some hawthorn branches down.
These photos are of my apples, I didn't think that they would turn out so nice after last year. My trees had apple scab and I bought fungus fighter online and religiously followed the instructions and I am pleasantly surprised at the outcome. The first tree is a Laxton Superb, I didn't spry that tree as it was not affected, the second are of Bramley cooking apples, the third is of Sunset and finally that one is a James Grieve an early eating apple that can be used as a cooking apple as it generally cooks to a pulp like Bramley. With the exception of James Grieve all other apples should grow a little larger, in fact Bramley's will grow quite large. Incidentally the netting is to stop the blackbirds from pecking at the fruit and ruining them.
The other day my mate sent via e-mail a photo of one of his cucumbers with a tape measure it showed 20" it was the sort of length and size you get at a supermarket. It looked fantastic. What I have tried to do is show you my cucumber that is weeks behind my mate's. It is funny really as he gave me the best plant but at mine it just sat there in the greenhouse not moving for a few weeks, in fact I had a job to rear it but eventually it began to take off, now it is taking over.
 How my mate got the seeds is funny really. He has had trouble growing cucumbers and last year my Italian friend gave me a cucumber plant, it did so well and produced around 15 fruits, larger than the normal fruits and my mate was impressed so I asked him to save some seeds which he did.
 This year he set the seeds and what he has produced is the best we have ever seen. From my photo is not easy to see but it is about 12" long but no where near ready yet. I hope to take a photo when I pull it of the plant.
 The other photo is of my plum tomatoes, they have done well and I prefer them to Gardener's Delight, the young man next door also prefers them too.
 With all this rain I am getting plenty of runner beans, mustn't grumble though. More soon.

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