Tuesday 1 September 2015

A little rude

Seeing onions always reminds me of my younger days when a group of us always went to the same Public House and this man who was about 7 years older than us lodged. He was in the process of getting a divorce. He was a bit of a wag and his favourite saying was. "Don't go down the coalmine Daddy, there's plenty of slack in your trousers." Slack was an offshoot of the coal that was supplied to almost all the houses in those days. Nutty slack as it was called was generally used to stop the lumps of coal to burn so swiftly a dustpan full of slack was put on the fire when the lumps of coal was burning swiftly.
 Now to the onions. Harold as he was known helped out behind the bar at times and was popular. Well this man who had an allotment was always bragging about what he had produced on his plot. This night he walked in and Harold was behind the bar and asked the guy if he wanted his usual. He did and Harold that asked him this. "Is that right George that someone asked you to sell him a lb. of onions? And you said to him that you was not going to cut one in half for anyone." Needless to say the place was in uproar with laughter. It did however stop the man from talking about the size of his produce that he grew on his allotment.
 If one can recall, I set my seeds in January and didn't know if I would ever get anything from them as the seeds were about 10 years old. I managed to get about 10 to grow and these 3 were the largest. The largest one weighed around 2 .5 lbs. the smallest weighed just under 2.lb. I guess if one rounded the weight they would be about 1 kilogramme each. I am very pleased at the weight and surprisingly enough they are very tasty. The plus is that they don't make your eyes run when peeling them. Naturally I have given most of them away.
With the heavy rain recently my runner beans have produced many large beans and I am able to give plenty away. Not that it is good news for everyone for I think about the local Businesses who rely on the sunny weather to make a decent living. Bank Holiday Monday was a dreadful day with a strong northerly breeze with constant rain for most of the day. It was also cool with my Central Heating being used, hope this is not a sign of things to come although the week ahead is supposed to be cool showery and windy. We will see.  More soon.

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