Thursday 3 September 2015

New ISP.

Yesterday I had a man from my new ISP contact me early and again late in the day. At one stage he asked me to turn on my computer. When I turned  it on the pop up invited me to install Windows 10 so I just mentioned it to him and then he told me that he had installed Windows 10 but had gone back to Windows 8. I was somewhat bemused until he gave me the reason why he had gone back to his original Windows. He told me that he had several games on Windows 8 and they were not compatible with Windows 10 and that was the reason why he had done it. He then informed me that one had a month to decide if Windows 10 was for you. After the 30 days if you hadn't gone back to your old Windows then you had to keep Windows 10.
 As for me and the new ISP  although things are not 100% I told him that we would keep the issue open and if ever I decided to open it then I could. He was so helpful, first telling me that he was going on Holiday as soon as we finished conversing and secondly giving me his full name and his personal e-mail address. I certainly can't fault them at all.
The photos above show just how much my young assistant and I cut down on Saturday. He was a great help but stamina wise he kept saying he wanted to rest a minute. I did though very much appreciate his help and we both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The weather was kind to us, far better than this week. On Sunday it was reasonable till late but Monday was a complete washout. Now it has turned much colder with heavy rain forecast later and to be honest it looks as if the forecast will be correct. More soon.                 

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