Wednesday 13 July 2016


On Sunday the lad came round, he wanted to look at my garden then later he asked me if I would go and look at his which I readily agreed.
 Off we went and his very small flower garden looked a treat, his broad beans are coming on nicely and I think will be harvesting them in about 3 weeks. He then took me in the greenhouse where he has his tomato, this too is coming on nicely with small tomatoes on but this year has been very poor so everything is well behind.
 I suggested that we plant out a few more leeks that the Carers Father-in-Law had given them. I told him that first we must get rid of some weeds, unfortunately he doesn't know what to pull out so leaves everything. When I show him what to pull up he is enthusiastic.  We then planted some small leeks. We noticed his Carer so I went to have a word with her. I mentioned that on Tuesday I was going to Louth Hospital so would call at Aldi on my way home. My mate had shown me the quick was on leaving the Hospital to get to Aldi. With that she told me that they had been to Aldi but all the vegetables they had was Kale. I asked her when this was and she said it was late February, adding that she was somewhat disappointed.
  My mate had informed me that Aldi was similar to Lidl and there was a large car park there so I decided to go with an open mind.
 Well on Tuesday I had planned it all, first I would put my repeat prescription in at the Surgery then go and get my Pension, get my T.V. paper then off to Hospital.
 I arrived at Louth Hospital  15 minutes before my allotted time but noticed several cars going round and round looking for a space to park.  I made my way to the rear of the car park and luckily found a space available, so went to the machine, got my ticket and paid the fee.
 I made my way to the Centre where I was to go going through the Accident and emergrncy part which I think they have renamed Urgent Care. No sooner had I walked in when a Nurse came to see me and asked if I had come to see the Ulcerative Colitis clinic. I told her I had and she informed me that someone would see me soon.
 After 15 minutes a Nurse called me in, I asked her who she was and she told me, I then asked what had happened to the other Nurse, she told me that she had left as her Husband had been posted to Cyprus and she would be taking over. She then told me that my original Consultant had retired, they all had tried to get him to stay but he said no. She then told me that a Consultant from Lincoln was now in charge. Incidentally she told me that she was based at Lincoln but came over here one day a week.
 I told her that the parking was a problem here but she then told me that it was nothing like Lincoln, it was dreadful and she found it a pleasure parking at Louth but of course she arrived very early, when she came to leave she often had trouble getting in her car due to the close parking hence great difficulty in opening the car door to get in.
 I could see that she was much better than the previous Nurse, I soon found out, her Husband has the same illness as me but has to take even more medication.
 Anyway she told me that she would send the comments with a contact number in case of problems, with that I left.
 Off I went with my mate's direction in my head, it was perfect and soon I was outside Aldi. The car park was the best I have ever seen for a Supermarket, plenty of room and ample parking space.
 I picked up a trolley and in I went, to be honest I was very pleasantly surprised as it was very roomy. I half expected the place to be crowded but it was nice, not too many folk so one could peruse without being nudged and jostled about. There was a large selection of fruit, to be honest I didn't look for vegetables but I got round well. My mate had told me that to get Virgin Olive Oil was expensive so I saw that they had some there for £2. 19p. so I bought one. I also bought some meat among other things. I finally found the milk. I had been Online to see what they sold and advertised they sold 2 ltr. bottles of skimmed milk. My mate told me that they sold it in 4 pints. Naturally he was correct. Anyway I found it a most enjoyable place to be, let's face it I spent over £40 so I must have been satisfied.
 Mind you after getting back home, I had to go to the Bank so I didn't get my dinner till late and to be honest I was worn out. I know I am getting old. More soon.

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