Wednesday 26 September 2018

To continue

I don't know if I have given an update for my eyes, anyway I went to boston Pilgrim Hospital and although it was not as easy as I would have liked eventually I was seen by a lovely Nurse and the whole process took about 45 minutes. So now I will wait for an appointment to have a cataract removed from my eye.
 With the Post Office part closed I have decided to have my State Pension put straight into my Bank. It was easy for I had received a letter stating that they preferred to have my Pension put straight into my Bank. As it was a freephone number I rang up and the Lady on the other end then sorted it all out for me but added that I would have to collect my next weeks Pension from the Post Office as the money would not be in my Bank until the week after. She then told me that I should ask for a closure form when I picked up my money adding that I did nothing until I checked to see the money had in fact gone straight into my Bank.
 As I had checked and the money had been transferred I filled in the closure form and took it to Mablethorpe Post Office which is in the Co-op. There was a large queue but I thought that this would be the last time I would have to use it for some time.
 It was my turn eventually but when I went to the counter the Lass told me that she was a trainee so she could not help but told me to wait to see the Lady in the next window. Once she was free I went to give her the closure form, immediately she handed it back saying that it must be filled in black ink. I immediately told her that if she thought that I would buy a black ink pen she had another think coming, What she said next was helpful she offered me a black pen and told me that I could fill it in at a desk nearby adding that if they were not busy she would have filled it in for me. She then let me know that once I had filled in the form bring it straight back and not to queue again.
 Once I had filled the form I took it back and she checked it and asked if I had my card with me which I told her I had she then asked me to put the card in and put my 4 digit number to check my account was empty which it was. She then asked me for my card which she told me would be destroyed and gave me a signed receipt to confirm the closure of my account. So that was that.
 I originally had an appointment for Anglia Water to call but the day before they were due I had a phone call informing me that due to unforeseen circumstances the appointment had to be cancelled and a new appointment was made for October. Last Friday I had another call saying that they had a cancellation so they could call on me the following Monday which was a couple of days ago. Will give you the result soon.

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