Thursday 1 November 2018


I have managed to have enough potatoes to last me until this month and as potatoes are expensive this year I am satisfied. With the hot weather not suiting the runner beans I have been surprised that the warmer weather in October has meant that once again I have managed to eat fresh runner beans into November. I guess together with the potatoes I will have enough for the next 3 or 4 days. Regarding potatoes when I bought the new freezer the lad came with me and I asked him to pick a 25 kg. of potatoes and I didn't take particular notice but when I went to the checkout one senior assistant informed me that the bag was not 25 kgs. but half a bag so I was charged I think £6,95p. but when we got home I did notice that it was a full bag so I have a bag for that price.
 My Best Pal called yesterday, his last visit for the year, his site closes now until early March next year. He told me amongst other things that he had bought a 25 kg. bag of potatoes for £10 from Farmer Brown  and they were taking a bag home with them for it was the cheapest they had found. I then told him about my bag of potatoes so I guess I had a good deal.
 Tomorrow I have a busy day, first I am switching my broadband and secondly I have to go to Boston to have a cataract removed from my eye. It is sods law that both happen on the same day so I don't know how things will work out for my mate is travelling up from Skegness to take me to boston, I have to be there for Noon so it means we will leave about to be there in good time There is always a risk attached to this minor procedure but if I do not have it done I will gradually lose my sight but before that I would also lose my driving licence and as I live in the country it is vital that I am able to drive. I got my mate to take me because of the reliability of TSAL which has a dreadful reputation. When I went for the pre-op medical the Nurse informed me that the service was not good and I have read and also heard on T.V many patients arrive late for their appointments and are left stranded because they do not come and pick them up after their appointment so I offed to pay my mate to pick me up from my home and take me there also bring me back home which should be about 4 hours later. He knows what happens because his late Mother went through the same procedure some years ago. Anyway I will be in safe hands. Originally the next door neighbour told me he would take me to Hospital but to be honest I never felt comfortable but once I arranged for my mate to take me I was happy.
 Let us hope all goes according to plan. More soon.


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