Wednesday 6 March 2013

Blood Test

Early this morning I went for a blood test. I was somewhat surprised to find no cars and when I entered the surgery waiting room it was almost empty.
 I seemed to wait for ages so when I young worker there came out of the office I asked her if my Nurse was ill because I had been waiting over 20 minutes. She came back and told me that the Nurse would be with me soon.
 Sure enough I was called in to her office and I asked her what was wrong. She told me that she was struggling with the new computer software and if she had known it would have taken that long would have done it later. I told her I had began to worry as there was nobody about much.
 With this she told me that it was the new system that was now in position. She saw I was looking rather puzzled so she explained what this entailed.
 Now before one can see a Doctor, one has first to ring the reception and then the details are given to a Doctor. He will contact you and discuss your needs. This may be a consultancy in the Medical Centre or perhaps sent to see a Nurse or perhaps a diagnosis would be given over the phone.
 She told me that my blood tests would continue as normal but the Nurse practitioner who is in charge of Diabetes and all relevant things will no longer visit my Medical Centre but be stationed another 8 miles away.
 she then took me out to see the receptionist and asked if she had any leaflets explaining what was happening, there was a very small leaflet which was given to me.
 What the Nurse said to me was that the main reason for this system being used was to stop patients wasting G.Ps time on trivial matters. So much for the National Health serving the general public.
 By the way, today has once again been dreadful with  the weather being more like November than March. Mist and drizzle A.M. and it is sytill cold. The forecast is for no improvement for the next few days. More soon.

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