Wednesday 14 May 2014

Rare occurence

The other day I decided to do some washing in the afternoon which is in itself a rare occurrence. The reason was that my night rate on this new Provider for electric is not so much different than the day rate. As I was producing a reasonable amount of solar power I did my washing.
 It was a windy day and it was great for drying. Anyway I started to peg my washing out on my line. I had done my bed linen as well as my towels underwear etc. I had most pegged out when the line broke. To be honest I just started to laugh and hurriedly collected the damp clothes and carried them in to my sitting room. I then started to look for the remains of the clothes line. I was lucky as I had been moving things about and noticed the line about a week earlier.
 I hurriedly fitted a new line up and although my mate would call it a rats nest with the ends not being neat. It served it's purpose. I then pegged out the washing, by now it was about 4.00pm. I was pleasantly surprised that nearly all of my washing was dry well before it got dark. It was only my polo shirts collars and cuffs which were not completely dry.
 As I have had my washing line up more or less since I was here I certainly couldn't grumble at my mishap.
 I could remember my late Mother shedding a few tears when her washing line broke. Of course it must be remembered this was many years ago when Monday was wash day and it took most of the day to do the washing. All was manual, no automatic washing machines. The washing lines were also not as robust as they are these days.
 Now I remembered that several years ago, well it must be around 30 years ago to be honest I had many mining people come and visit me. This guy who came with his wife and family frequently to eat in my establishment. One day came up to the counter and asked me if I would like a washing line. He went on to explain that all the mining community had these and that they would last a lifetime. I naturally told him I would love to have one.
 I didn't think anything more about it but a few weeks later he came in and handed me a bag. He told me that all the fitments were included. I thanked him very much and didn't bother to look at the stuff.
 When I eventually left there and moved to where I am now I bought a washing line and used that. It was not until I looked and found this washing line that I took a closed look. I am sure it will do me fine, definitely will last me my life. I have asked  my mate to purchase a metal washing post which I will concrete in the ground making more space to hang out the washing.
 Of course my mate will be the expert in erecting the line, he is very good at DIY and makes a neat job of everything he does. More soon.

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