Monday, 23 March 2015


Last Friday morning I once again went to pick my mate up because he still hasn't got the full use of his arm. He severely broke his elbow around the end of November last year and he hasn't been able to use his arm properly since. However I did notice an improvement in his use although he still can't bend his arm sufficiently to put a utensil to his mouth. He manages quite well though. I try to give him a decent meal as his Partner is a sort of Vegetarian, but doesn't eat most vegetables so he doesn't get any protein such  as fresh meat. His Partner doesn't like handling such stuff. To be candid I can understand the reason.
 Anyway I went to pick him up around 8.45am. We went shopping then came back to mine where I put a joint of Pork to cook. Incidentally while we were out we did notice the odd person viewing the partial eclipse of the sun. We got back to mine before 10.00am. and my mate informed me that you could see about 1/3 of the moon covering the sun. It was however very hazy and not a clear blue sky.
 It bought back to mind that the last time was in 1999 and I was at my Mothers. I think the partial eclipse was then around 11.30am. The weather then was not as sunny but the view was perfect as the cloud was light and varied. I asked my Mother if she wished to see the spectacle, she told me she had seen it all before and wasn't interested.
 This is just how I felt this time, I couldn't be bothered. I guess it is because I am getting old.
 My mate fixed the T.V. so that I can view my photos on the T.V. also I found that I could view a video that I downloaded from my American friend. It was just a video of him driving on the roads in Florida. I find those very interesting.
 Mt mate couldn't fix my camera though so I guess the problems are terminal, still 50% is satisfactory.
 On Saturday it was bitter cold once more and I had 3 visitors, well I say visitors, what I should say is that the door bell rang 3 times. I also had a phone call from my mate thanking me for the nice time he had. I assured him that it was mutual as I too had a thoroughly lovely day. I did suffer somewhat though as for the next 2 days I was shattered. Definite signs of ageing. More soon.

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