Wednesday 16 December 2015


With the mild weather it does mean that although being very dull in general my tomatoes have fared quite well. I guess that I will have a few to eat well into the New Year and that is always my aim. I looked in the greenhouse this morning and noticed that the last tomato plant still had a few tomatoes on but they are nowhere near being fully formed. As long as they are full grown or thereabouts they will ripen without going wizened. I was going to fumigate my greenhouse but I have decided to wait just to see if the last 10 or so tomatoes will grow sufficiently to be pulled off. It does not matter when I fumigate the greenhouse as long as it is well before the grapevine starts to grow. Incidentally I did take all other plants out also everything metal as they tend to discolour if left in while I light the sulphur candle.

As you can see by these photos there are plenty of tomatoes ripe enough to eat now and quite a few ripening well, the odd green ones are what I picked off the plant a couple of days ago.
I saw the carer yesterday and she told me they all were going for a meal I think this is organised by the people who give support for the young man Tim. I also had a delivery for next door, in fact I had another today so I know when Tim gets home, he catches the bus and it drops him off outside mine so I waited to give him the package. He told me he had turkey and Christmas pudding with brandy sauce and he said it was nice. As he normally does he had a coke to finish it off.                                             
Tomorrow I go for my 3 monthly blood test, this was booked in Early December, it just goes to show just how short handed they are, still that will be done for this year and the next appointment will hopefully be in March 2016.  More soon.                                                                                             

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