Wednesday 23 December 2015


The man from Calor arrived soon after Noon. It was the guy who has always serviced my C.H. boiler so he knew me well and the state of the boiler. I told him that the fault was intermittent and explained all what had happened so the first thing he did was to check the room thermostat, he decided to change it to be sure. At the same time I let him know that my hot water was getting too hot and let him feel just how hot the water was getting. He was somewhat surprised and told me he would check it out later.
 On changing the room stat he found that it had made no difference at all so he went to the cylinder stat, on testing it I did tell him that my mate had suggested I move it up higher on the cylinder, he then informed me that this would make no difference. On testing it he then gave me the news that it was no good and he would be replacing it with a new cylinder stat. With the new one installed he then tested it and it was working perfectly but the room stat was not. He told me that the stat was set at 40c and the recommended setting was 55c and he set it at that.
 He asked me where the controls were and I told him in the loft. I got the ladder but when I tried to open the hatch I could not get it open because my mate had closed it the last time he checked it and hadn't slid the ladder completely to the closed position. After about 5 minutes we managed to get the loft open and up he went. He soon came back down and told me he would get his water hoover at the same time he asked me if I had power in the loft which I told him I had not so out he went again to get his extension cable.
 He was up there for ages but kept me informed at all times, eventually he ;et me know that the 3 way port had more or less seized up and he hoped he had a spare in his van. Soon after he came back with the new 3 way port. He told me he had managed to get an air lock so he didn't have to drain the system completely but when he eventually emptied his water hoover I saw that there was about 2 gallons in the tank.
 All this work to a long time to do, I really like him because he is thorough and will double check everything. When it was all fitted he then gave the system another complete check to see that all was working well. When he was fully satisfied he left, by now it was almost 2.30 pm. As one knows I have diabetes and should eat regular so I was not sorry to see him go as normally I have my dinner(lunch to posh folks) around 12.30 pm. but although I was still feeling a little under the weather the late eating didn't affect me.
 Today has been the first real sunny day in ages but the forecast is not so good. I feel for those folk who live in Cumbria for the amount of rain they have had is devastating, with so many homes being flooded more than once is heartbreaking. Let us all hope that 2016 will bring that area some pleasant relief. More soon.

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