Tuesday 6 February 2018


Yesterday morning I had just come out of the bathroom after having a shower drew the curtains and to my surprise the lad from next door was walking up the driveway. Not having a top on I did open the door and he was coming to let me know he was not going to Respite as the male member of the Carer's was not going to Australia at all, only the female who's Daughter was living. Incidentally the other one who's is there and much worse than the lad has gone to Respite for a couple of weeks. The lad said it was quiet. I think he looks after her in his way. They certainly get on well together.
 I later told him to tell his remaining Carer that if he was left on his own he must come round to me and have something to eat. I don't expect him round though because it will have been arranged for her Mother to come and look after him. She certainly spoils him buying him coffee and lots of toy cars, most are remote control.
 This morning I decided to travel to Skegness to go to ALDI, although there was a frost I decided to go as tomorrow morning could be worse with late snow being forecast So off I went soon after 8.30.am arriving soon after 9.00.am. There were not many in the store which incidentally is bright and roomy. I managed to get all of what I wanted but was somewhat surprised that when I arrived at the check out there was only one lass on the till. I expected to wait a fair while but they seem to be quick and it wasn't too long before I had my goods checked. The lass there told me it was none too warm and I let her know that handling cold goods didn't help. Once I paid a Woman who had spoken to with her little Daughter gave me a carrier bag which she had bought but didn't need it. I didn't say I wanted it but she pushed it into my trolley. I was grateful for the gift and made my way out to where I had parked my car.
 Once I loaded up I took the trolley back them nade my way to Home Bargains and purchased a couple of pillows, paid for them and took them back to the car and made my way back home.
 I arrived around 10.00.am. which I was pleased at the time it had taken.
 By the time I had put all the goods away  I did manage 30  minutes of leg rest. I think I need a lot more but at least they didn't hurt.
 Later today I may make a few tea cakes because I try to give the lad something for his mid morning break. I know he looks forward to it. More soon.

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