Wednesday 23 May 2018


As usual the weathermen don't consider us on the east Coast. yesterday began sunny but soon the clouds rolled in and gradually it got worse, the temperature was hovering between 12 and 13c but according to the forecasters it would be 16c and mainly sunny. Today dawned very dull and clod, at least the weathermen did alter their forecast stating that it was possible the low cloud would persist right on the coast and the temperature would be about 13c a lot more than it is here for it is just 10c and my Central heating is on once more may be similar to today but on Friday we may have some rain and the week end is supposed to be nice, sunny and warm. I will believe that when it happens.
 yesterday morning the lad came round to plant the kidney beans, while we were planting them the Partner of his carer came to see to the pigeons. I asked him if he had any bamboo canes for if he did I would give him some runner bean plants. We talked about other things and eventually I told him that I had to go back home for I was frozen. To be honest I didn't get warm for the rest of the day.
 This morning I went for my haircut and found the assistant was there instead of the Proprietor, she had mentioned it before but she was a lot slower than the Proprietor but made a good job of my hair, I may well go once again on a Wednesday morning for she works on that day plus on a Saturday.
 As I had onl7y nne fairly large old potato I decided to boil it up so that I could have bubble and squeak, a thing that we had as children many many years ago. This was to save money by utilising any left overs. It was alright but I don't think I will be having it again soon.
 So now it will be new potato time. I want to dig up the potatoes first in the Greenhouse because if they get Potato Blight they will pass it on to the Tomatoes and I definitely don't want that to happen. The potatoes in the polytunnel are doing well so hopefully my potatoes will last me a few months or at least till the potatoes for sale will last. More soon.

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