Monday 5 December 2011

odd jobs

Over the last few days I have done the odd jobs. One of the more important jobs was to fumigate the greenhouse. It hadn't been done for about 3 years. I got a couple of sulpher candles and lit them on Thursday, making sure that everything was taken out before. The only thing left in was the grapevine which at this time of year is dormant.
I left the doors closed for 24 hours and I did look a couple of times prior to that to see if the candles were working. Indeed they were. The place was filled with fumes.
On Friday, I went in the greenhouse and although the place was clear, the air was filled with the smell of sulphur. I had tasted sulphur years ago when I was on the steam trains, going through the tunnels leaving Kings Cross in the summer was not good at all.
I left my greenhouse door open but the smell was too much for me so I gave up until Saturday. Even then there was still the smell of sulphur in the air but I managed to do what I wanted to do.
Yesterday I did my washing but unfortunately it didn't dry at all. We had a little light rain and it was cool.
Today has been cold, an early frost but not a lot of sun.
Today, I have been investigating the cost of solar power. Tomorrow I have a guy coming to do a survey. I am keeping an open mind on it but I truly think the price will come down in the coming months. Mind you in April next year, homes that wish to have solar electric panels fitted will have to comply with the new regulations. These are to do with carbon footprints. Among other things you must have an energy efficient boiler, cavity wall insulation and loft insulation to their standards. If you do not meet their requirements, then you would only be able to claim about 9p per unit instead of the 21p.
What on earth is the Government thinking of. As I told one of the guys who contacted me. If the Government encouraged people to install solar power, yes at a reduced incentive say 30p instead of the 21p now being offered, then the Government would be able to decommission at least 1 Power Station. As my late Aunt used to tell me. The onlooker sees most. In other words, if one stands back and takes stock. It is obvious that to cut the subsidy by over 50% immediately stops most of the solar power industry putting many out of work. Where is the sense in that? Still I have always said, penny wise and £ foolish this is what you get from officials who have never had to justify the money and how it is earned. Any fool can spend money like water, it takes a lot of hard work to create work and employ people. More soon.

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