Tuesday 4 December 2012


Yesterday I had to go to the local Surgery and this morning I went to get my State Pension then go to the next town to the Bank. On the way back home the visibility was very poor, wet roads and very low sun. It reminded me of a golfing colleague who used to go out to Australia for the winter months, November to February. After many years of having this routine his wife informed him that she no longer wished to go out  to Australia for the winter as she was missing the Grandchildren growing up especially round Christmas time. He then told me that he  had forgooten just how low the sun was in the winter. It certainly wasn't good for me today travelling with the low sun in my eyes.
 Yesterday I saw the Nurse I generally see, it is not always possible as she has reached retirement age so only works part time. Anyway she got on about her dogs. She has Apricot Poodles, very expensive and less than 3 years ago decided to put her bith to a dog and have pups. 9 were produced 1 died, she kept one and sold the other 7. She told me she received £850 for each puppy. I immediately thought that was more than I get a year for State Pension. Almost £6000. She then told me that the bitch that she kept would be put with a dog but the stud fees were very expensive £500. She also told me that the dog owner insisted that tests would be performed so that her bitch was in fine form. She told me that if all goes well it will happen early next year.
 I told her that it was different to my late window cleaner. He told me he was going to make money breeding Pekingese dogs. Needless to say they made nothing at all but it does seem that if you get the right breed, money can be made. She told me that she would tell me more the next time we met. More soon.

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