Monday 4 November 2013

A visitor


I probably would not have bothered to post these photos if it hadn't been for my ex. neighbour calling on me yesterday. I was actually on the phone, my mate had called me and we had been talking for about 20 minutes when my door bell rang.
It put paid to our chat but I was pleasantly surprised to see the ex. neighbour. She had lost her Husband who died at an early age a few years ago. They had 2 Daughters and both of them had left home, one was married and moved to the next Town, the other decided to go into the Police Force so of course she was not at home either. They had a 4 bedroomed house with a parcel of land which they purchased from the local Farmer I guess it was about 4 acres. It was just a paddock for the horses which the 2 girls had. Naturally when they got a little older, boys were more important than horses. Anyway it was too large a home for her to live alone so she decided to sell the property, move to the next small Town just a few miles away. Her Mother and Father lived there so it was handy.
Unfortunately her Mother suddenly passed away, she was full of life but went suddenly, her Father was lost because he had told me previously that he had given up driving as his Wife drove so there was no point in him driving anymore.
Anyway when she was here talking she told me that her Father reminded her that the last time he saw me I was doing my block paving. I told her I had once more just done the paving for the winter. She did remark that it looked nice. She also commented on my bathroom as she used the toilet. That was nice of her. Generally folk never say anything about toilets, sinks etc. unless they are filthy then they make comments to other people about the state of the place.              
She stayed well over an hour talking about old times, to be honest the time flew and it was so nice to see her. I guess I will not see her soon because she wished me a Merry Christmas.                                                                                             
Now to the photos, I hope you will notice the before and after look. These had been done a few months earlier. It takes a long time to get the steel brush into each block. A tedious job, not only that but increasingly hard. I showed much of my driveway just to show how big an area there is to do. Still it will do until early Spring next year. More soon.                                                                      

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