Tuesday 14 April 2015


I went to have my haircut this morning and the Barber informed me that on Friday he has to pay for his wedding which is in July around the 12th. He is going to be married and the honeymoon is in the West Indies. I think it is in Jamaica. He told me it is costing a fortune. Mind you he did say that all was included in the holiday that includes all the drinks are free.
I half expected the price of the haircut to be increased but it is still the same £4 to us Pensioners. I wouldn't grumble at a Fiver.
 These last few days I have been very busy. I hadn't seen the young Man from next door so on Monday I went out to see him get off the bus. I asked him if there was anything wrong but he assured me all was well. I then asked him why he hadn't been round to see his little bit of garden for over a wee. He was somewhat evasive. Just at that time the Lady of the Bungalow came round with 3 eggs. I told her it was just who I wished to see. I then explained that I have plenty of Broccoli and if she wished to have any I would get her some. She readily agreed that she would love some today so I told the young Man that he could come and get some for her.
 About 30 minutes later he came round, I then found out why he hadn't been round. They had given him several tasks including painting the pigeon lofts. Also he told me that they had badgers and he had to keep filling in where they had been scraping. Anyway he came round and thoroughly enjoyed the time he was here. I was surprised to see his carrots had just germinated . We then set some lettuce in pots also set some runner beans. He checked to see if the peas we set some time ago were showing. They were, we went and picked plenty of Broccoli and soon after he went and took the vegetables with him.
 My garden looks quite pleasant with lots of polyanthus of many various colours flowering well. My mate said he will give my camera one last chance, if he can't fix it, then nobody will be able to fix it. I guess it will be a cheap, no frills camera replacement for me. I certainly don't want a camera with lots of complicated options. More soon.

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