Wednesday, 29 April 2015


Thank goodness, after all this time I am now able to post some photos, mainly thanks to my mate who managed to get hold of it for me and by setting it up.
 On Monday evening I asked him to get it from Curry's in Skegness which he did so this morning I went over to pick him up as arranged some time ago to give him respite so that he could have a chat and rest. Mind you we didn't get much rest for as you can see with the last photo we, mainly him by the way, managed to get the driveway gates removed. They were becoming unhinged and really not safe. I knew he would have a better idea than I had, this of course was true. He suggested that we disconnected the bolts and hinges, he intends to get some welding done from a Blacksmith he knows. His idea will make them much more secure. Hopefully I will take a photo to show what they will be when in situ.
 Anyway back to this morning. I left home around 7.45am. mainly because he had informed me that there were road works on the main A52 on the outskirts of Skegness. Although there were I had one of the smoothest of journeys and the traffic was very light.
 I arrived at his Partner's home before 8.15am. saying that I would try to get there by 8.30am. I didn't bother to go and call on him so waited. After  a few minutes he came out saying his Partner had told him a red car was outside. Off we went to Morrison's then to Tesco, after that Home Bargains and finally to Wilco.
  We then made our way to mine, the traffic being good so we made good time to mine. We had a cuppa and after he sorted out the camera we went and did the gates.
 We had our main meal and had another cuppa then off back to Skegness. He asked me if it was possible to stop off at a shop to purchase some onions. That indeed was no problem for me, by the way I forgot to tell you that he gave me a small cucumber plant which I have set in my greenhouse. I hope that it will grow well, it certainly looks healthy enough. Anyway I took him back to his Partner's home and set off for home.
 Once more the traffic was light so had a smooth journey home, incidentally I did notice that the progress made on the road works mainly resurfacing was surprising and I expect the road to be fully open for the Bank Holiday week end.
I find it increasingly hard to go all day without a break, I am tired out although have done no manual work at all.  Still we carry on.
Finally for now, the top 2 photos show my garden still in some sort of bloom, not quite as good as it was but does show the colours of the flowers  mainly polyanthus. More soon.

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