Tuesday 19 May 2015


My Best Pal called yesterday, it was nice to see him. We were discussing the General Election and both of us could not remember the Industry Secretary who was a Liberal Democrat.
 To be honest we both laughed about it because we have both discussed the memory loss often before, but something happened today that made me sure that we have nothing to worry about.
 This morning I tried, without success to order a Blood test in June, it didn't surprise me. I only called to see if I could because I was putting my repeat prescription in, so off I went shopping.
 I called at Lidl and was so disappointed to find just 1x4pts. of skimmed milk. I went to find a member of staff and was fortunate to catch a Lady entering the warehouse department, I asked her if there was any more skimmed milk she was pleasant and told me she would go and see if there was any more. After a couple of minutes she came back with the news, there was none. I then asked her if this was because they had decided to cease selling skimmed milk in the 4pt size. She assured me that the reason there being none was that they were waiting for a delivery. I hope this is true.
 Now after spending just over £10 I made my way to the check out, there were loads waiting but luckily enough there was a couple waiting but nobody was on the check out. I asked the person if there was anyone there and she told me someone was coming. True to form a young Man arrived. A Woman came behind me and I passed the time of day by saying that it was a cold day but far better than yesterday but the weather was supposed to warm up for the Bank Holiday week end. She asked me when the Bank Holiday was, I told her this week end, she then asked me what it was for. I explained that it was a Spring Bank Holiday and was the last Monday in May. She looked puzzled and asked me what it was for, so I just told her that it was to give each and every person a week end break after the Winter.
 She didn't understand that it was a Holiday every year.
 I immediately thought  of the conversation my Pal and I had yesterday. I am sure we have no worries, not if the conversation I had with the Woman was anything to go by.
 Earlier I went to have my haircut, I was surprised with the conversation, The Barber was saying that he will be leaving around March 2017. Not only leaving here but leaving the Country and going to live in Spain. He is getting married again in July and said his Partner was all for emigrating to Spain. He said he already has put his home up for sale and with the properties in Spain being so cheap he would have no mortgage. He said he will have a Gent's Barber's Shop, all there seems to be there, according to him are Unisex Hairdressers that charge the earth. He only charges £6.50. for Adults and £4 for us OAPs.
 He said that he and his Partner had been over a few times to see just where they will decide to eventually live. It will be interesting to see if it happens. That is if I live that long. More soon.

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