Tuesday 5 May 2015


The weather over the May Bank Holiday was mixed. Sunday was a cold windy and wet, well until late afternoon anyway. The Bank Holiday Monday was much better also much warmer too. The sun shone for much of the morning although it did turn hazy around 2.00pm and gradually got much cloudier. Overnight the rain came down in torrents. This morning it had just about finished but my garden had puddles all over. It was a little muggy to start with but gradually it brightened up a little and the wind began to blow. It eventually blew the clouds away although we had a couple of light showers but with the wind getting to be more or less gale force it helped dry the ground a little.
 Yesterday morning the young Man from next door called so we went round and set the tomato plants in the greenhouse. I have only given them a couple this year as last year they ran riot. The young Man asked me to show him how to take the side shoots out.
The pictures shown are first the geraniums I set from seed, they are much better than the ones I bought last year as plants. They arrived about 3 weeks later than this and they were 25% the size of these I have now.
 The other picture shows my Narcissus flowers. I think they are called honesty. They have a very pleasant scent and flower about 3 weeks later than the daffodils.
 I have also taken a few shots of the Auricular plants I have in my garden. I intend to give some to my Best Pal's Wife. She did get me some Munstead Lavender plants for me a few weeks ago.
 Finally for now I must mention this. My American friend is travelling to South Carolina, a distance of around 650 miles and he is nearly as old as I am.
 It makes me wonder if I am alright? I get absolutely worn out travelling to my Sister's in Grantham, a round trip of about 120 miles. I go there do some shopping call at my Sister's have a cup of coffee and a chat then off back home. I try to get back before 1.00pm. Incidentally I leave to go there about 7.30am. I guess I am getting old. More soon.
P.S. Don't look to carefully at the camera angle. I know I am useless at taking photos.

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