Tuesday 23 February 2016

Nasty bug

On Friday I was busy doing a few things such as hoovering, cleaning the car and unusual for me getting the pastry ready for Saturday for the young man from next door. He wanted Steak pie.
 Just as well I did for in the evening I began to feel unwell, so much so that  I went to bed early, not that it made any difference. I really felt unwell. Things came to a head early Saturday morning, at 4.50am. to be precise I felt as though I ws going to be sick. Unfortunately for me, things happened so quickly and although I managed to get to my sink with my vomit it was the other end that I couldn't control. The mess was huge and to cap it all I had cramp in both of my shins and moving was not easy.
 It took me about a hour to clean up but eventually went back to bed only to stay awake and feel under the weather.
 I got up soon after 7.30am. but once more was sick and this time managed to get to the toilet in time. I couldn't disappoint the lad from next door so I did a little at a time. It took me ages to do the simplest of tasks but eventually had all prepared for when he arrived.
 I told him I was not too good, he then told me that his Carer and her Husband had the same bug and had been sick. I told him he was in charge of the drinks, this he felt important which he was.
 I managed to cook dinner which I had next to nothing but he enjoyed it. He offered to do the pots for me but I told him that he would do the drinks.
 I sat on the settee whilst he bought the coffee in, we watched T.V. but I was not a good host. Around 3.00pm. he went home and to be honest I was thankful of that.
 Sunday was not a good day either but I felt that I was showing a little improvement. Yesterday I felt a little better but was going to bed around 9.30pm. Anyway I went to catch the lad coming home from work to give him some things  but as soon as I saw him I could tell he was not well. As the Carer was picking up her Granddaughter I immediately told him to go into the T.V. room and sit on the settee. I asked if he wished a coffee he said he would like one but he had stomach ache. I rested and soon told me he felt better. Anyway after a while he went home as the Carer was back.
 This morning I called to see if he was O.K but his Carer informed me he had been sick, all she had given him was some toast and water. I popped in to see him and he was feeling much better. As I told his Carer the older one was the longer it seemed to take to shake off these bugs.
 It just shows how I have been. When I turned on my computer I saw a warning that I was prone to an attack as I hadn't updated my security for the last 3 days so I have managed to update all so once more I am secure. Let us hope I am soon back to some sort of normality. More soon, I hope.

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