Tuesday 26 September 2017


On Saturday the lad came round and we took the netting off the apple trees and also peeled back the top of the fruit cage, this is done because if it snows the weight will bring down the gage itself. While he was helping he told me that he had a new Boss. I asked him why this was so and he told me he had asked for a move because he was fed up with litter picking. He will now be in the tarmac department, he told me he likes the smell of tarmac. Not that he will be doing too much as he also told me he is going on Holiday on October 6th. He is going to Kent I think but he is looking forward to his break. Unfortunately he has no go in him at all.
 Last week we had traffic lights because B.T. were threading cable but yesterday morning they had disappeared completely. I naturally thought they would be going to the Exchange but all they seemed to do was go to the end of the properties leaving about 300 yards short of the Exchange so I assumed that all they were doing was to ensure that sufficient Internet speed would be maintained if there were more properties built.
 This morning I went to Lidl to do a little shopping, there were not too many in the store because I arrived there soon after 8.45.am. I did my shopping and went to the checkout but could see a few loitering. I then walked to each checkout only to see that they were all closed. An operator was standing at the Automatic scanning checkout, there are I think 3 and an elderly couple were in front and the operator called tem to her and she proceeded to do the checkout for them. Once she was about done she told me that there was another Automatic checkout but I told her I didn't know how to work them, a younger Man said to me that he also didn't know how to work the machine. Anyway she told me it was dead easy but I did tell her that I was born in a house that had no electricity at all and this was not the way to attract customers also asking if this was to be the norm from now on. She assured me that it was only from about 8.30 t0 8.45am. I immediately informed her that the time was after 9.00.am.
 It is well known that Lidl is so easy to get in the store but difficult to get out as they seem to have very few on the checkout and most times you are in a queue of several customers.
 If this happens again, I will definitely not be going to shop at Lidl.
 Tomorrow I am supposed to have Sky come to repair my Box but as I have heard nothing form them I am not holding my breath but will keep you informed. More soon.

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