Monday 16 April 2012

Sharp Frosts.

Over the week end we have had sharp frosts. On Sunday morning I got up at 7.30am only to find the ground wet. This was because we had a little earlier a sharp hail shower. Where it had hit my polytunnel the hail had slipped down and piled up. It was still there at 10.00am. However by 11.00am it had gone. When I went to the greenhouse there was hail on the glass, I still moved my protection of my plants. I have in there a few New Potatoes and French Beans. They had survived and today when I got up, there were cloudy skies so the frost had just about disappeared. Once again I managed to protect my plants. In the polytunnel I have again potatoes and french beans. I also have first early peas but they are hardy enough to withstand frosts.
These last few days I have been cutting down some of my Hawthorn Trees at the bottom of the garden. There is a large Fir tree very close to my boundary. In fact it was planted within 1ft. of my boundary. It has really grown massive these last couple of years. I asked the young guy next door if I could remove one of the main branches. He not only agreed but volunteered to do it himself. I was astounded just how quickly he managed to fell the thing. Now today I have been trimming the short bits off the main branches. I had already asked him if he would like the main side branches for his fire. He told me he would love them but he must get a woodshed built. I told him that I would move them to one side, let them dry out and weather too so there was no hurry.
I have managed to get most of the smaller branches and twigs cut and broken into smaller pieces. This is for when I have my green waste bin emptied so that it will be convenient for me to put the smaller bits in easily. Incidentally, they come to empty my green waste bin on Thursday.
Where my Sister lives, they are charged an annual fee of £25 for the green bins to be emptied. Very expensive I think. Especially as they don't start to empty the bins until April and finish in I think late October. Remember too that they are only collected every 2 weeks. More soon.

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