Monday 30 April 2012

Rain a plenty

As with most other areas we have had a dreadful week end. Saturday was wet but Sunday was dreadful. It finally stopped raining about 4.30pm. My Pal had been here most of the afternoon and as he was leaving I noticed a van with some pumping gear on it. I closed my gates as my Pal left, the man got out of his van and lifted the manhole cover up to inspect it. I asked him if there was trouble. He then told me that there had been a blockage but it was now clear. I remarked that I wasn't surprised as we had about 1.5inches of rain over the week end.
 This morning I was out pottering about in my front when Anglian Water Van pulled up. I asked him if he was going to read my meter again. He told me he was looking for a certain house. I then informed him that it was just a few houses down the road. I then told him about the van checking the manhole cover last night. He was pleased with the information and then told me that the house that he was going to, still had a blockage. He then got his lap top out and started to input data. I left him to it and went back inside.
 On a different subject. With the heavy rain bought back to my mind many years ago. I am not a dog lover but on saying that, I looked after my Jack Russell and must have done something right because he was 21 when he died.
 When I came to run the business I noticed that there were rats in the yard. One of the youngsters who used to call told me that if I had rats a Jack Russell was the best dog I could have. He told me his uncle had a pup for sale. He wanted £7 but he told me he was sure he could get it for £6. He duly bought it down in his leather jacket on his motorbike. It was that small that I kept the dog in a shoe box for a couple of weeks. Of course I had a vet come and worm him and had him injected for the usual ailments. In general he was no trouble health wise but he was the most temperamental dog anybody could imagine.
I will only give this example. The local Manager of the milk company that delivered milk to me, used to do the mans round one day a week in the winter. We got to know him well and he used to come and have 10 minutes or so chat with us. we would give him a cup of tea. At that time we put cube sugar in the saucer although he didn't take sugar. What he used to do was give the sugar lumps to my dog. Incidentally I forgot to mention that his wife used to board dogs for people going on holiday not wanting to take the dog with the.
 Anyway, this particular morning it was teeming down and he came in with his full wet gear on. Had his cup of tea and gave the dog his sugar lumps. He always came behind the counter because he bought the milk in by the crate. It was normal practice. Well this day he said to us that it was time to move on, put his hand on the door when the dog took off and grabbed him by the arm. We were all shocked, he made nothing of it, just said it was his fault but said he would never come that side of the counter again. On inspection the dog had not broken his skin, thanks to the oilskin that he was wearing. More soon.

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