Wednesday 17 July 2013

All O.K.

These pictures of my cottage garden were taken just before the hot weather arrived, just as well because the flowers are being affected by the sudden heat. Still I was very happy with the sight, plenty of colour and variety too.
Went to Hospital yesterday and to be honest this is the best I have known for efficiency.
 Normally when trying to park it is a nightmare but when I approached I noticed that the outlay was totally different. Much easier  to find a parking space and there were several spaces available. Still only £1 for an hour or £2 all day. On entering the building I spoke to one of the ancillary workers and I remarked on the car park> She then told me that everyone had to pay  for parking their car. Not good as most of those would be on the minimum wage.
 Anyway I booked in and immediately a Norse called me over. I knew her well as she has dealt with me before. She wanted me to be weighed. I begin to wonder if it is me or it is normal. What I had to do was take my jacket and shoes off then sit on this chair. This is the new way of checking your weight. I then sat down for a couple of minutes and at the appointed time my Consultant called me in. We both said it was nice to see each other and we had a social chat. Amongst other things he told me that he had been on social events lately including going to his Daughter's party. She had just become a Doctor, not here but in London. This is where he came from and his Wife still lives there and he told me he has 2 homes now. I told him that his base was really London, he agreed but I told him I didn't wish him to go back there to work as he had been a life saver to me.
 Anyway we passed a few more pleasantries and he told me that he was not worried about ma and another appointment would be made in 12 months time.
 After making my next appointment I left and noticed that it was less than 30 minutes that I had been there. This must be some sort of record.
 Called to see my Italian friend and his Wife, who incidentally is much better. He was complaining about the garden and how things were not growing much at all. I put my foot in it by telling him that I had my first cucumber on my plant.He took me to see his, they certainly looked far better than mine but he didn't have a fruit on his at all. It was more galling as it was him that gave me the cucumber plant. I did soften the blow by telling him that I gave my mate one and his also had nothing on yet.
 I saw his grape vine was full of smallish grapes with lots of seeds. It is my intention to have mine removed if possible as they are not good enough for me. I didn't tell him though because it was him that gave me a couple of cuttings, one of which I gave to my mate. He thinks the same as me about them.  We shall see what happens.  More soon.

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