Monday 14 October 2013

Severe gales

for the last few days it has been very poor weather. Thursday it was severe gales and heavy rain. For the first time since I have been here I was very concerned late Thursday evening. The noise was terrific. At first I thought the roof was being torn off my bungalow then after a few minuted thought I thought that it was perhaps the solar panels that were severely damaged. Still nothing I could do until first light in the morning so  went to bed and eventually fell asleep.
 As soon as it was light enough to see I went outside to look at the building and in particular the roof and the solar panels. I was surprised and delighted to see that all appeared to be O.K, Back I went inside and glanced at my side door, which is glazed. Something looked out of the ordinary so I went and got the key and opened the door.
 So that what all the noise was about. The fence adjoining my property had collapsed and had leaned against my old Beldray dust bin. The fence had fell on to that and knocked it over and was leaning very close to me door. The panels seemed to be fairly good but the posts which had rotted were snapped off completely. It was still rough and all I could do was to shove the panels back but no sooner had I done this when another gust of wind blew them over again. I shoved them further over and looked for them next door to tell them.
 Typical, nobody was about, not surprising as it was raining steadily and looked to be set in for the day. About 2 hours later I did catch the man in, when I told him he thought I was on about the fence the other side which also had failed in a couple of places. When I told him about this side, he did come and make them more secure but told me that nothing would be done until the winds dies down. Anyway he and his Wife were going away for a week starting today, so nothing has been done at all.
 the week end has been as bad as I can ever remember for an October. From Thursday, we did see a little sun but many squally heavy showers. Friday rain all day, Saturday rain for most of the day. Sunday rain in the morning  and more rain later. Today once again woke up to rain, it managed to stop but over the last  4 days I guess we have had less than 1 hours of sunshine with strong to gale force winds,. I managed to pick what remained of the Bramley cooking apples on Friday between the heavy rain.
 Actually the rain that we have had will do no harm at all as we have had little rain for quite some time so it will do some good, pity it has been so cold. It has  put paid to my runner beans, they are now ruined so will be going into the garden waste bin after Thursday that is when the bins are emptied. More soon.

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