Tuesday 29 April 2014


There is a young man with learning difficulties living next door. He has told me many times he would like to help me in the garden and didn't want any money for helping me. The trouble is that he has memory problems.
 I told him to bring his Diary round to me so that he could start to write things down, unfortunately he isn't good at writing and spelling. I am teaching him a little and sure enough he is slowly improving.
 A couple of weeks ago he managed to explain to me that he wished to have an Ariel socket fitted in his bedroom as all he had was an indoor Ariel and this was not good.
 I asked my mate if he could fit an Ariel in his bedroom and he told me there would be no problem but thought that an indoor Ariel would be sufficient. The owners next door where the young man lived agreed that the signal was poor so. . This was confirmed by the Assistant in the Electronic shop where I was going today. She concurred that indoor Ariel's were of little use in this area. Anyway I left it up to him to get things organised.
 Sunday I managed to get hold of him and he gave me the news that the Electrical place where he has an account no longer supplied Coax cable and accessories pertaining to fitting an Ariel.
 It was the next day when I remembered a place in Mablethorpe that supplied all sorts of things like that so I e-mailed him with the news. Back came the reply informing me what was required.
 Off I went this morning and walked into the shop. I had to wait about 5 minutes with a customer faffing about. Eventually it was my turn. I asked the female assistant if she had any Coax cable, the response was positive. I then asked if she had the other items I needed. Sure enough she had. In the meantime two more elderly men came into the shop. I generally will talk to anyone and as I had asked for 20 metres of Coax, I turned round to the first guy and mentioned to him that these metres meant nothing to us old ones. To be honest, I am certain I was the eldest be a few years. Well we all got into a very friendly conversation and the assistant was still measuring the cable I then told them that the Electronic shop was about the first shop to open in that area. I told them that the large Co-op was not there at all. It was just a barren waste land that used to park busses in the season but once a week in the summer an outdoor Market was there.
 The assistant then went to a Computerised till. I mentioned that my Mother would often complain that he hand ached hitting the old keys to the manual till we had. This was in the late 70s.
 We all seemed to be thoroughly at home reminiscing and the assistant was enthralled.
 I had to laugh as I was about to leave after settling my Account. One of the men suggested that we all meet there again next week. Still it was a nice change to have a pleasant conversation with a couple of strangers More soon.

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