Monday 14 July 2014

Eye Test

After the recent heavy rain I managed to contact the young guy next door who I think owns the property. Well part of it anyway. I asked him if he was going to replace the panels which blew down in the October gales last year. He told me there was no problem but had just been to have his eyes tested and was told he was going blind and that an appointment had been made to go to the Hospital the next day for a scan. He told me he had been having blurred vision and headaches. It didn't sound good to me but I tried to reassure him and told him to let me know how he got on.
 I saw him much later the next day and asked how he had got on  expecting to be told that nothing would be told there and then. To my surprise he told me that everything was fine, all that was wrong was that he had a faulty contact lens. I was surprised that the optician who examined him didn't notice such a basic error. After a day of worry though all seems to be fine with him.
 After the dreadful day on Thursday and a dull Saturday, yesterday it was raining when I got up. It was steady rain for some time then it cleared up. Although it was never sunny it was fine. However soon after Noon we had heavy showers one after another. Once more my garden was waterlogged. It really was a poor day and I wondered just how the folks on Caravan parks would cope. It did clear up though in the evening.
 I saw today on the Local News that Skegness was hit by downpours and local flash flooding had occurred. I guess they got what I had only mine was in the afternoon theirs seemed as if it was in the early evening. Unfortunately one or two Businesses were badly affected.
 Tomorrow I have an appointment at the Hospital, only for a review but tomorrow afternoon I have my eyes tested for Glaucoma, so tomorrow is fully booked.
 Finally for now, I saw the young man  from next door. The one I set seeds for him and gave him 3 shallots. I told him that the shallots would now be ready to be lifted so I went with him next door. To my surprise he had several beetroot ready. We picked 4 then dug the shallots up,. They were fantastic, much larger than mine. I then told his carer that the carrots were ready to be picked. I guess it is due to the pigeon manure that was spred so copiously on the garden. More soon.

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