Tuesday 22 July 2014


I was surprised that I received the results of my retinopathy test. All was satisfactory. The same day I received the copy of the notes forwarded to my G.P. That's a laugh as I was given a G.P who has since retired  and was then given his Wife who is also a Doctor. Incidentally I really do like her as I think she is one of the old type Doctors.
 The start of the letter began " I met this lovely gentleman." I guess I was polite and courteous, to be honest I try to treat everyone the same way I would like to be treated.
 Anyway both results were satisfactory so as the Nurse who gave me the follow up with my annual Diabetes results stated. I have had my MOT  and passed for another year.
I looked at my chrysanthemum plant that my Brother-in-Law gave me. I and told him that it was doing fine and I was pleased. I should have kept my mouth shut. It looked very poor and to be honest I have doubts it will survive. Not that it is the only plant in my garden that has suffered. I set about 2 dozen geranium plants(pelargonium)and well over half of them have just died. Several lavender plants have also succumbed to the dreadful weather we have had. Most plants look stressed. We have been a little unfortunate with the weather this year. definitely the worst year I have ever known. My garden has been waterlogged several times and with the torrential rain the ground has become compacted. To compound things more we have had hot baking sun so that the top has a crust on it. Not that we have had baking sun today. The forecasters said that it would be cloudy for a start but gradually get brighter  and we may see some sun later. The opposite has happened. It is very dull but not cold.
 My peas have come and gone so quickly due to the weather. I am still waiting for a marrow plant to produce it's first fruit. To be honest I set 4 and 2 died off and the other 2 looked as if they would succumb but 1 is now beginning to grow so I am hopeful that I may get a marrow. The dwarf French beans still look poor but I must admit I have had a few boiling's off them. The lady next door remarked that my runner beans hadn't bulked up as they normally do. I told her that this was due to the weather but I have had several meals off them but they are not producing in the quantity I would expect.
 In the greenhouse my tomatoes are producing plenty of fruit, my cucumber is looking fine and the grapes are ripening well. In fact the young man from next door came to help me cover some of my apple trees to stop the blackbirds from pecking them. I took him in the greenhouse and let him pick some tomatoes, I asked him if he would like another bunch of grapes, he said he would so I cut a bunch and gave them to him, letting him taste one first to see if they were sweet enough. They were.
 We will see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully a little sunnier. More soon.

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