Tuesday 13 June 2017


I set 4 cauliflowers in March, I gave my mate a small plant too. I must admit that I was a little disappointed that my mate could not be here last week for I knew I could not have him for at least the next 2 weeks. I also knew that as most vegetables all the cauliflowers would be ready at the same time, not quite but within a week of each other.
 I will get back to garden matters later but first I must tell you that I had every intention of posting last Friday, on Thursday I was into the general Election so stayed up most of the night watching the results.
 My Best Pal rung me early Friday morning to see if I was available, I never refuse him unless it is for an appointment or something similar. He duly arrived at his usual time in the afternoon. The first thing he informed me was that he had bought an Air Fryer and no sooner had he bought one his extended Family wanted a couple so he had to get a further 2. He then told me he was thrilled with the cooking of chips and other things amongst them sausages. I did tell him that it was thanks to my mate that I had one for he told me they were great, you need next to no oil so having chips is a relative healthy option as it uses hot air.
 By the time he had left it was way past my teatime so I hurried to get my meal, no sooner had I eaten when I dropped off and the next thing it was after 7.00.pm. Too late for me to go Online so here we are today after a few days off writing.
 That cauliflower was cut last week, in fact I am eating it now and it will last for another 3 or 4 days. The cucumber is called Burpless, my mate gave me a cucumber a few years ago but he wont spend money on a decent variety, this is the best tasting cucumber I have had. I bought the packet for I think less than £2 and there are several seeds left, if they germinate next year it will be a bonus. I just set 2 seeds and both germinated well. I gave my mate one cucumber plant and I sowed mine in the greenhouse as soon as it was safe to do so. As you can see they grow just like shop bought cucumbers, incidentally I don't suffer from indigestion eating all the outer skin too. It is very tasty and tender too.
The lad went to work yesterday but swe me ant told me that his broad beans had black fly. I told him to see me as soon as he got back from work and we would go and see what we could do.
 He duly called around 3.00.pm first we looked at my garden, him eating plenty of strawberries but looked at my broad beans, he did see the odd black fly something that I had obviously missed for I check them every day. After a quick drink it was off round to his home, he told me that they had been busy preparing more raised beds so we had a quick look then it was to his broad beans. Naturally it is ME that takes the insect killer spray round to his. To be honest there were lots of black fly on his broad beans so I gave them a good spray and told him to see me if there were any more. We then went to look ta his plants in the greenhouse, I immediately told him he wasn't watering them enough. It was obvious to me that he had not watered his plants for at least a couple of days. We also watered the plants that I set for him outside but there is a hedge so I have told him to water them regular too. While we were watering the carer appeared so I asked the lad to go and ask her if she wanted a cauliflower. Of course she wanted one so when we had finished watering I told the lad to come back to mine and I went to get a bread knife to cut the cauliflower. To be honest it was almost  twice as large os the one I had but I noticed that the next one was more than ready. I guess that within the next few days I will cut it and hopefully get it in my fridge. By the time I had seen the lad back to his place, once more I was late having my evening tea.
 I go to the Dentist tomorrow morning, that is why I can't have my mate here, next Wednesday I have an appointment at ASDA to have my eyes tested it is almost a year since I last had them tested. More soon.

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