Tuesday 20 June 2017


As of the most of the Country we had an unexpected heat wave after some cool weather. This of course meant that we did not have a gradual rize in temperature.
 On Sunday morning I went out to put something in the recycle bin when I noticed that my door bell plunger, I don't know what else to call it, was on the floor. When my mate fitted it he told me that it was self adhesive and would be fine. what we didn't expect was so hot a temperature.
 I decided foolishly to try to get it working again. To be honest my hands are not as supple as they were and my eyes are not 100% either. Anyway I picked the door bell up, naturally it was in pieces but not broken, fiddling about for about 5 minutes I managed to get it put together once more but when I pushed the button to get the bell to ring. Nothing, so once again I dismantled the bell only to notice that the battery was missing so I went outside and started to look for the battery. I found it eventually about 4 yards from where the rest of the bell had finished. Before I started to put the bell together I had originally found some glue from an old carton which incidentally had more or less gone solid but with the gentle persuader, a hammer I managed to get enough glue to do the job.
 Unfortunately for me, by the time I had assembled the bell once again I was spreading the glue all over the place. It is a type of glue that needs about 30 minutes to get stiff enough to stick. When it does stick it is great.
 I guess I tried to stick it all the outside wall a little too early for I went to check it and found the bell, not this time broken but all the same it was on the floor. I just looked and started to laugh for I was completely covered with the glue which is not able to be washed off by soap. The ideal thing is turps but of course I have none..
 Eventually I did manage to get the thing installed but unfortunately there is a rubber seal that I found impossible to fit properly. No doubt my mate will look at it and pass some comment which in all honesty I deserve it.
 By the time I had completed the job well over an hour had lapsed, still it works after a fashion. Whether it will work after some heavy rain with the wind off the sea is a different matter.
  I have the odd black fly myself on the half flattened broad beans, my new potatoes are also not up to my usual standard. This is of course due to the weather, we have had next to no rain in several weeks and the ground is once again like concrete.
 About a week ago the cucumbers were so tiny about an inch long but with the hot weather and copious amounts of water they look fantastic. I have 4 growing nicely, 3 af them will be ready about the same time. I guess in about 4 days time. They are about a foot long but need to thicken out yet. The tomatoes have begun to look a little better now and I hope to get my first tomato before the end of the month.
 Tomorrow I have to go to Grantham, not looking forward to it at all for they say it once more will be very warm o hot, different to today which is believe it or not a little on the cool side, a north east wind and no sun at all. I have to go to Grantham for I have an appointment to see the Opthalmist to have my eyes tested. I will definitely need new spectacles. I will be seeing a different guy this time for the guy who I had seen for these last 2 years is no longer based at Grantham. Still I should get on with him fine I suppose. More soon.

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