Tuesday 10 October 2017

Oh Dear!!

Yesterday I don't know why but I suddenly thought about my car and the renewal of my Tax although I don't have to pay any as my car is zero rated and was registered before April this year. In fact it was registered in September last year.
 I decided to ask at the Post Office when I got my State Pension which I did. I was informed that I must register my car for tax although I don't pay any, each year and she asked me when it should have been registered. I told her that it was first registered on September 1.st. last year, she told me that it must be registered and if I didn't could face a fine. I told her that I would probably call next week and off I went to the Co-op. to do my shopping.
 I picked up some plums milk and pudding rice and off I went to the check out but when I placed one of my 2 x4 pints of milk it started to leak so I hurried to swap it. When I came back I asked the Woman at the check out if she had a cloth, I know her well and she is nice but after looking for a cloth for a while decided to give my some paper wipes. I made a good job of cleaning the conveyor belt so it looked like new. I then asked the Woman on the check out where she had been for I had not seen her for some time. She leant over so nobody could hear her and told me that they had been messing her around and she had been working afternoons but preferred morning work but added that she would be here at the same time next week.
 Off I went back home and after doing a few odd jobs decided to look at the Registration Certificate, this replaces the old Log Book. That gave all you wished to know about the car for it was a cardboard sort of paper folded up with the details of the vehicle on the left but on the right hand side it gave a list of ALL previous owners, when they bought and when they sold also it gave the recorded mileage. There would sometimes be as many as 8 different owners but remember this there was no MOT in those days.
 Back to the new Certificate and there in one section it did say that each year it must be registered even if DVLA did not send a reminder, in my case they did not and I could do that at a Post Office or Online. With that I thought I would go immediately back to the Post Office and get the deed done.
 It is typical when one is in a hurry for I had put my dinner on thinking I would only be 20 minutes. Eventually I was served and the lass noted I was back again. I gave her my Registration Certificate and she started to put the information in the Computer, then she asked me if I wished to register it for a 12 months which I told her that I would like it to the end of September but she then let me know that she could not back date it. I told her that it was alright because it would make no difference. All she told me was that she was not that sure. I will wait ans ee what happens next if anything. More soon.

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