Friday 6 October 2017


My Best Pal rung up to see if I would be in that afternoon and I confirmed I would so he came to see me.
 before he called I went out and picked  some runner beans french beans then I went into the greenhouse and picked several tomatoes which are still going strong because of the sun which has still some power in it.
 Some time ago I cut some pieces of the old rose bush, I don't know what it is called but it has some dreadful thorns but the scent of the rose is fantastic. It is also a very dark red colour. My late Mother had it when we lived at Grantham she then dug it up when she moved and once again when she finally moved that bush went with her. When she died I decided to dig the bush up and set it in my garden. It must be well over 60 years old and became woody with a declining flower performance. Anyway I took several cuttings well over 2 months ago. To be honest I wondered if they would take, the lad told me more than once they had died but I kept watering and nurturing them and gradually I noticed some very small shoots appearing. Then on Gardener's World the Presenter told us that if we decided to take cuttings of rambling roses to be patient as they would take many months to get established. I decided to pot one of the cuttings that began to show signs of life but also noticed there were no roots on the cuttings at all.
 I told my Pal that his Wife must not move the cutting from it's pot until late Spring at the earliest. I had taken a couple of cuttings from a Weigela called Bristol Ruby and they had taken well. So much so that I decided to dig up the old Weigela up and plant the young plant in a different place. I noticed the other day it had flowered so it is happy.
 I told my Pal that she could plant that out as soon as she wished. Together with a few eating apples he was well stocked up. We had a good old natter, I half expected the lad to call for he e-mailed me to tell me he was not at work for tomorrow(today) he was going on holiday and would call to see me before he left.
 the bell rung soon after this morning and it was him, we went to check to see if there were any strawberries in the polytunnel, which there were and he ate them up we then went to see if there were any raspberries ripe which indeed there were so he ate them up and told me they were very nice.I gave him a few plum tomatoes and he left saying he would e-mail me when he was on Holiday.
 This afternoon I went to have my flu jab, I go to Mablethorpe because it is more rganised so it is not crowded. In fact I arrived at the Surgery about My appointment was for The logest wait was to book in and that was only for about 3 minutes. I was then told where to go and no sooner had I at down when the Nurse called me in. We passed pleasantries and she let me know it was some time since she had seen me. I had my flu jab and left, got in my car and looked at the time, in fact I had my flu jab a little before I was due to have it and that I was leaving the area just about the time I was due to have it so I was very pleased. I then went back to Sutton to book a blood test which I duly did for the first day of November so I made my way back home. More soon.

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