Monday 27 November 2017


I completely forgot to post anything for the last few days, not that much has been happening.
 Saturday as I was having my dinner(mid day meal) the doorbell rang, it was the lad from next door, he had been to Skegness to do a little shopping and to see his pal but as he couldn't find him he decide to catch the early bus home. As his carers were going to a Pigeon either a club or a show he wasn't sure but he didn't fancy going.
 Anyway I had a full description of where he went, even to him telling me he went to the toilet but his legs ached so he came back. I did ask him if he wanted anything to eat or drink but he told me he had his dinner early I think it was a tuna and sweetcorn sandwich from I also think from Home Bargains. He also had some Zero Coke that he told me he had bought it from Poundland also some sweets which he had eaten. I then told him that after my dinner which I had almost finished I would make him some pudding. I try to give him some responsibility so after mixing the custard with the cold milk I told him to light the cooker top gas ring and start to stir. I then cut some cake and put it in the microwave whilst he kept stirring soon he told me it was beginning to thicken up so I took the hot cake out of the microwave and poured the thickened custard to make a hot pudding which he told me was nice.
 He wants to get back to play on his XBox but as they had not got back he decided to go on the computer playing  a game while I tried to watch the qualifying of the Dubai Grand Prix. Eventually they arrived back and he was soon back at home. Before he left he told me that he was in the spare room as they were decorating his room, this meant that he large T.V. was not in his temporary room but he added that his XBox was there so he was happy.
 I don't know if I did mention this but when I was in Hospital come 14 or so years ago I was left with an old Man that admitted, I was getting over from having my Gallbladder removed he told me he was 91 years old and proceeded to tell me of his life which I will relate more soon.
 My mate is calling tomorrow, the first time in several weeks so it will be nice to see him and show him some of the alterations that have happened. More soon.

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