Wednesday 11 April 2018


Today I had promised the ;ad that we, together would sow the onion sets, also I would get him to transplant the brussel sprouts into pots ready for when they are large enough to plant them in their final position.
 As my hand was gradually improving, I went to see the G.P. on Monday and she gave it a good going over informing me that I had done everything that she would have suggested but concurred with me that as we get older we can not do the same as we did a few years ago.
 the lad came round early, well before which suited me but to be honest it was bitter cold and it did my hand no favours. For a start I got him to transplant the brussels then we looked for some more netting, I made him get the garden rake also the cage which wanted top be assembled then it was off round to his little garden. I got him to dig the little bit which had not bee dug, I raked it smooth so it was ready to sow the onion sets. I told him I had to go back home to take the meat out of the oven but was soon round again. I did get the frame fitted so that all is required is some small netting to protect the sprouts and eventually cabbage from the butterflies. I of course had to show him where to sow the onion sets, it would have been a lot quicker to do it myself but I made sure he set them himself. I was perished, the weather men keep saying that it is warm but added that on the east Coast it is cold. I have never known such a cold wet winter and Spring, everything is a few weeks behind normal and several weeks behind last year.
 We eventually finished just before it must have been very cold outside because when we both entered my home our glasses steamed up. The first thing we had was a coffee then he told me he wanted to use the Steam Mop and I told him that first I would sweep the Kitchen and bathroom taking all off the laminate flooring. I just switched on and it took about a minute for the mop to steam up, he enjoyed running the mop over the floor and while he was doing that I took the stuff out of the Bathroom and swept the floor. It was then to the bathroom and I put the table and runners back and got the dinner on. It didn't take him long to finish the Bathroom but the floor took a lot longer to dry. he went on the computer whilst I got the dinner ready, just before dinner the doorbell rang, it was the Carer informing me that they were going to buy a later model of the mobile phone and gave me the keys to give to the lad.
 About 10 minutes later the dinner was ready, we had loin of pork with roast and boiled potatoes, carrots and peas. For afters I made a rhubarb crumble, I had just about enough rhubarb in the garden. I washed the pots and pans and suggested that he did the Port and Lemon, he loves that then we went into the T.V. room where the computer is, he played a few games and one was Who wants to be a Millionaire. I surprised myself by getting to $16.000 but failed on the next question.
 A little after he decided to go back home, to be honest I was not sorry for I was very tired. I thought I must write this blog for leaving it would mean no blog.
 Let us hope the weather improves before too long, we have not seen the sun since last Thursday. Needless to say I have had to order some more LPG. I guess they are busy for I ran out last Friday and they can't deliver until this Friday. As I have an appointment with the Surgery on Friday I decided to pay by debit card. More soon.

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